A good friend here lost a couple of horses to blister beetles a few years ago. WARNING: Don't ever buy alfalfa off the side of the road. Her husband bought a load of beautiful, green alfalfa from someone with a trailer load of it parked along the road. They fed most of the 50 bales before they got to an infested bale, then ended up losing 2 minis and nearly losing a couple of race mares. She tracked the guy down, he was still in the same small town, and told him what happened - his response,"well I didn't guarantee it for horse hay". He knew it was loaded with beetles and continued to sell it!! He just moved to another town 40 miles or so away! Enough people in the area had sick horses and spread the word that he was run off, but I'm sure he is still setting up shop somewhere. He came from either Kansas or OK. Know your grower, or at least know who you are buying from and that they will stand behind it.