Hello everyone,
It has been a tough week. He has been in the hospital and I have been staying there to take care of him. One night the pain was so bad he was shaking and sweating, with tears rolling down his face and the nurse said no you still have 18 minutes to go and wouldn't give it to him.
I was beside myself. I finally went out there and said very quietly,look I am not watching my husband cry! Call the $^& dam Dr. NOW.
And I am not leaving this station until you do that! She finally did give him a shot, she had let him miss 2 doses which is why he was in this much agony in the first place..........I then knew I had to keep track of all his meds and when or if he got it.
Word got round and the next day everything changed and he got it as needed and I saw to it it was given on time.
I finally brought him home this afternoon. Hospice will be coming out and helping us.
It is so hard, they say 2 weeks and he is thinking he has a lot more time...........he asked me if anyone told me a time frame, I lied and said no.........I know if I told him it would not be good for him. I think he will become aware himself as he feels worse. I don't know if what I do is right or not, never been through something like this before.
One thing that worries me is I can't seem to remember anything or be able to make decisions or do things. I start something and then forget what I am doing.
If someone is nice or sympathetic to me I end up in a flood of tears. Hospice was trying to get me to sign a do not resusitate order in front of Larry and I finally broke down and said "look I can't do this right now"! How could I say I didn't want them to try and save him?
well again thank you for all your support and prayers
All of my time is taken up right now so if you have contacted me and I havn't gotten back to you, I am sorry. It just seems like time is speeding by.
Love you all,