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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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After a few big frosts, I dewormed the horses using "ivermectin" based paste to get the Bots. Going into fall and winter there appear to be thousnads of eggs on the front legs, and yet after deworming, I will only see a small number ( 1 or 2 per dump) of the guys. I clean poop daily, so I see pretty much every dump, and the reddish critters are easy to spot. This is the same every year. Going by the number of eggs, I would expect a to see a lot more, Where are they?
The bots are usually digested as they pass through the intestine, if you are seeing any it indicates your horse had a fairly heavy load.
I often wonder that to. The first time i ever saw a bot ever (in poop) was when I got a new horse in in So Cal. We just dont have bots there period... i called my vet in a panic cause those are some ugly things
she took it to her class to show them since we dont have them and they hadnt seen any in person (gross but part of vet school i guess)

When we moved here to ID in fact littlesteppers still teases me I had no idea what those bent butt bees were felt really stupid when i asked and found out

I am going to de worm with ivemectrin soon since i just used strongid about 3 weeks ago.. but yes seems like with all those eggs you would expect more I do get what you are saying.. guess they all dont make it thru the whole cycle into your horses ???
horses get internal bots by licking the eggs off their legs and chest. Are you removing the eggs before you de worm?? If you are thats why there arent as many in the manure. If you dont then it doesnt do near as much good to deworm. You have to remove the eggs from the coat first. Otherwise its an endless circle of bots.
And yellow egg sacks don't necessarily equal bot larve. If you whipe the horse with a warm wet washcloth the bot larve will come out of the egg sacks and die in the air without ever having been ingested. The yellow egg sacks will still be there but they will be empty.
Lewella said:
And yellow egg sacks don't necessarily equal bot larve.  If you whipe the horse with a warm wet washcloth the bot larve will come out of the egg sacks and die in the air without ever having been ingested.  The yellow egg sacks will still be there but they will be empty. 


Thanks for that information Lewella
Lewella said:
And yellow egg sacks don't necessarily equal bot larve.  If you whipe the horse with a warm wet washcloth the bot larve will come out of the egg sacks and die in the air without ever having been ingested.  The yellow egg sacks will still be there but they will be empty. 


Ya that makes lots of sense

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