Bow is 314 days today.
I have prepped her stall and wrapped/braided her tail since she's been itching it like crazy and has ripped chunks of it out. She is very uncomfortable, evident from her constantly switching the feet she rests on, the itching, deep sighing, and looking back at her sides when the baby kicks or moves.
I did notice something odd, I don't even know if its important though. I was in another part of our barn and glanced over at her stall and saw her winking, like she was trying to pee. She kept on doing this for a minute or two, straining to pee. She did finally end up peeing and she let out the deepest sigh of relief I have ever heard. I don't know what the cause was of this though?
Her milk hasn't changed. I do think her milk is getting to be a darker yellow? The taste is also different, not sweet, salty, or bland. Kind of an odd taste. The ph is also about a 7.2 so its dropped from a 7.8.

I have prepped her stall and wrapped/braided her tail since she's been itching it like crazy and has ripped chunks of it out. She is very uncomfortable, evident from her constantly switching the feet she rests on, the itching, deep sighing, and looking back at her sides when the baby kicks or moves.
I did notice something odd, I don't even know if its important though. I was in another part of our barn and glanced over at her stall and saw her winking, like she was trying to pee. She kept on doing this for a minute or two, straining to pee. She did finally end up peeing and she let out the deepest sigh of relief I have ever heard. I don't know what the cause was of this though?
Her milk hasn't changed. I do think her milk is getting to be a darker yellow? The taste is also different, not sweet, salty, or bland. Kind of an odd taste. The ph is also about a 7.2 so its dropped from a 7.8.