Well-Known Member
I'm well aware that breeding, whether it's dog, horses, what have you, is not always sunshine and roses, but the past couple of weeks have been rather trying.
Back in Feb, I headed out to Davenport, IA (10 hour drive one way) to breed one of my dogs. The weather cooperated, and it was a decent drive out and back. I had a wonderful time visiting with friends and fellow breeders while I was there...even got some herding in too!
Two weeks ago, while I was starting to do the 'is she or isn't she' debate, she got me up in the middle of the night-she HAD to go out. Ok, not a big deal, perhaps she is expecting and not feeling the greatest. Next night, she gets me up again! Only this time, I notice she stops at the water bowl on the way out. Third night, she gets me up twice..and she had urinated on the carpet the evening before. Ok, that's not normal. But she has no temp, and nothing else seems wrong, and it's now Saturday...I decide to call the clinic Monday to see about getting an appointment. Sunday morning, she comes in from outside and starts vomiting. NOW I'm worried....still no temp, but something's up. Call the clinic and head out (which is a 40 min drive one way) for an emergency call. Blood test and urine test show nothing out of the ordinary. The vet I see there tells me that she would do an ultrasound next...but she is upfront and tells me she is not that good at reading them, and she would rather the vet I normally see do it. Fair enough, we discuss it a bit, as I can't get in to see that vet until Wednesday, and since everything looks 'ok' that should be fine.
Anyone who breeds dogs knows the biggest risk in having intact females is pyometra (infection of the uterus), and if you are breeding dogs and don't know what it is, you better start doing your research! THIS is what I was concerned about! If you have an intact female, and have NO plans to breed her, please, PLEASE have her spayed. This is the #1 (well, ok #2 only next to unexpected pregnancies) that females should be spayed. They can get this whether they ARE or ARE NOT bred!!!! It is very serious and often deadly to the dog!
In the meantime, while discussing it with a fellow breeder up here, I'm told, 'sounds like a normal expectant bitch' and basically get asked 'you went to the vets on an emergency call for THAT?!?'
Wednesday morning comes and the ultrasound shows a possible fetus (got a heart beat once, but couldn't confirm it), and 'something' else. Pulled another blood test to check if anything had changed, but since there was the possibility of a viable fetus, the vet was reluctant to start any type of treatment. He suggested we wait until Fri or Sat, re-ultrasound and see what is happening. He called me first thing Thurs morning to tell me he did not like the looks of the blood work, and he would be in the clinic at 3 or 4 the following day-he'd call. There are still no other symptoms from my temp, no discharge, nothing....other than excessive drinking and urinating.
Friday morning comes, and now I know it is not good....NOW she has a temp-103.9! I call the clinic right away to let the vet know (and see if I can get in earlier...which I did).
This ultrasound showed no life, A LOT of fluid in the uterus, and decaying 'matter'.
Now, though, I am not upset about the loss of the pregnancy, I am terrified about the outcome with my girl. I have heard too many stories of people losing their dogs to this.
We started her on prostaglandin treatments and antibiotics, and today-2 FULL weeks-from the first symptom I noticed, she is back to her normal self.
This ended well, at least it seems to be heading in the right direction. I know there are several people on here that breed dogs as well....just please be aware and KNOW your dogs!
Back in Feb, I headed out to Davenport, IA (10 hour drive one way) to breed one of my dogs. The weather cooperated, and it was a decent drive out and back. I had a wonderful time visiting with friends and fellow breeders while I was there...even got some herding in too!
Two weeks ago, while I was starting to do the 'is she or isn't she' debate, she got me up in the middle of the night-she HAD to go out. Ok, not a big deal, perhaps she is expecting and not feeling the greatest. Next night, she gets me up again! Only this time, I notice she stops at the water bowl on the way out. Third night, she gets me up twice..and she had urinated on the carpet the evening before. Ok, that's not normal. But she has no temp, and nothing else seems wrong, and it's now Saturday...I decide to call the clinic Monday to see about getting an appointment. Sunday morning, she comes in from outside and starts vomiting. NOW I'm worried....still no temp, but something's up. Call the clinic and head out (which is a 40 min drive one way) for an emergency call. Blood test and urine test show nothing out of the ordinary. The vet I see there tells me that she would do an ultrasound next...but she is upfront and tells me she is not that good at reading them, and she would rather the vet I normally see do it. Fair enough, we discuss it a bit, as I can't get in to see that vet until Wednesday, and since everything looks 'ok' that should be fine.
Anyone who breeds dogs knows the biggest risk in having intact females is pyometra (infection of the uterus), and if you are breeding dogs and don't know what it is, you better start doing your research! THIS is what I was concerned about! If you have an intact female, and have NO plans to breed her, please, PLEASE have her spayed. This is the #1 (well, ok #2 only next to unexpected pregnancies) that females should be spayed. They can get this whether they ARE or ARE NOT bred!!!! It is very serious and often deadly to the dog!
In the meantime, while discussing it with a fellow breeder up here, I'm told, 'sounds like a normal expectant bitch' and basically get asked 'you went to the vets on an emergency call for THAT?!?'
Wednesday morning comes and the ultrasound shows a possible fetus (got a heart beat once, but couldn't confirm it), and 'something' else. Pulled another blood test to check if anything had changed, but since there was the possibility of a viable fetus, the vet was reluctant to start any type of treatment. He suggested we wait until Fri or Sat, re-ultrasound and see what is happening. He called me first thing Thurs morning to tell me he did not like the looks of the blood work, and he would be in the clinic at 3 or 4 the following day-he'd call. There are still no other symptoms from my temp, no discharge, nothing....other than excessive drinking and urinating.
Friday morning comes, and now I know it is not good....NOW she has a temp-103.9! I call the clinic right away to let the vet know (and see if I can get in earlier...which I did).
This ultrasound showed no life, A LOT of fluid in the uterus, and decaying 'matter'.
Now, though, I am not upset about the loss of the pregnancy, I am terrified about the outcome with my girl. I have heard too many stories of people losing their dogs to this.
We started her on prostaglandin treatments and antibiotics, and today-2 FULL weeks-from the first symptom I noticed, she is back to her normal self.
This ended well, at least it seems to be heading in the right direction. I know there are several people on here that breed dogs as well....just please be aware and KNOW your dogs!