Apparently I was wrong, offering a selection of good stallions to the public is not the answer to the problem of too many mediocre breeding stallions. This must be similar to that old joke that 1 in 3 people is crazy, if it's not either of your friends, it must be you. So, everyone "else" should stop breeding their mediocre stallions
Well thanks for that
: however I clearly said I am NOT BREEDING simply due to the fact that I realized no matter what the quality of the sire and dam.. it is adding to the problem.
If only it were as simple as breeding a National Champion to a National Champion to get one...
if that were the case everyone would have one.
Bottom line is we as a breed need to come up with something else that is important to this breed aside from breeding stock.
I mean this is a breed where horses are retired at 2 or 3 to head to the breeding shed
: the sole purpose of breeding them having them, showing them, owning them seems to be so that you can breed and make more of them
Of course a very diligent stallion owner making choices for there stallion (protecting there investment) however that would lead to denying at least 85 percent of the mares out there so then it is back to square one..
those who are looking to further the breed and make choices they feel are best will continue to do so and those the ones that are willing to spend a couple thousand to send a horse across the country, all the repro work and mare care will do whatever it takes to make sure they cross the best they can and then hope for the best as it is a crap shoot
and those who cant find a stallion owner willing to accept there mare will do what they are doing now breed to what they can.. and back to ... why do we feel we HAVE to breed I admit here I am not better then.. I was one of those as well and I am not saying I will never breed again I am just saying that I am now fully aware quality opinions aside that I have been part of the problem and for now am doing what I can do to make it better (in my little corner of the world)