Camera Set Up

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Estero Fl /Cape Cod Ma.
I ordered a camera and recieved it from Riverwinds, I love the clarity and it basically has a great picture except for these scroll lines that seem to run every 3/4 sec down the picture. After lots of fiddling w/antennea and tweeking its better but not completely gone. Anyone with this type of camera? They are advertised on Mare Stare and will call in A.M. and talk with someone but was hoping someone might know what the problem is and I can fix it tonight. Then I just have to track down Heather and away we go. We seem to be playing phone tag.
I have a Riverwinds color camera I got several years ago and haven't had any trouble with it (knock on wood). I suspect Heather can help you out. Meantime, are you trying it on a TV without trying to go through your Dazzle or video capture device? Do you have good light in our stall? We leave our stall lights on all night when running the camera.
I ordered a camera and recieved it from Riverwinds, I love the clarity and it basically has a great picture except for these scroll lines that seem to run every 3/4 sec down the picture. After lots of fiddling w/antennea and tweeking its better but not completely gone. Anyone with this type of camera? They are advertised on Mare Stare and will call in A.M. and talk with someone but was hoping someone might know what the problem is and I can fix it tonight. Then I just have to track down Heather and away we go. We seem to be playing phone tag.
The lines your seeing is most likely interference with something on the same frequency (such as Cordless Phone, or other wireless device). I would unplug each wireless device one at a time and see if the picture quality changes, that's the easiest way to find which one is causing interference..

Hope that helps!
Don't forget to check things like X-box. My son's game system upstairs was causing us problems like you described when we set ours up.
Yeah, my son was banned from playing on his Wii the whole time my mare was on cam cos it would interfere.
Well I did unplug a few things to see if it helped...seems like it stopped when we shut the central air off. Well thats not going to be happening!! That would be the LAST STRAW for hubby especially since its been so gosh darn hot. I did notice that it went almost completely scrambled when I decided to use the micro for my popcorn ( gotta have popcorn and lots of it when watching Mare Stare.....cripes that darn Tease has made me finish about 2 boxes!! )Its funny when you say to make sure you shut off X Box, Wii and other electronics...we are such techo free in this house. I got my first cell phone about 6 mo ago, we dont even have a cd player,dvd,our t.v. is about 10 yrs. old and I am a complete idiot when it comes to even my computer. My husband thinks its funny that a mini baby has prompted us to get so techno....who wudda thunk.

Thanks again for you advice

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