I was out visiting with everyone this evening and was quite amused by the winter growth my boy has going on with his mane. I really need to give him a trim, but he's actually cute like this -in a homely sorta way :bgrin
LOL with those comparisons I should teach him to lip sync and he could earn his keep :lol: Actually, my son gave me the idea for the picture. He was out in the yard while I was messing with the other horses and commented that "Harry" (appropriate name huh
: ) looked like he had a fro when you saw him from a distance.
:new_multi: Oh..... How Funny! That's a very CUTE picture!~ That would make a great calendar picture!! You guys have some GREAT sense of humor here! LOVE THAT!!! :aktion033:
Phew I was starting to wonder if my horses were the only ones who had hair like that LOL!! Everyone elses seem so trim and neat and mine are growing out "David Bowie" hairstyles like that! Yours totally takes the cake though!