Now to whomever posted about MAddon's Bright Eyes, I did manage to find this picture that claims it is her with her dam. However to me the dam totally looks like a paint. So assuming this is a true pic and everything I would question about the dam being a true QH.
When you think that back when the 1/4 horse was just starting out as a breed, any hortse that could run that 1/4 mile could be registered, and there were feilds of broodmares of all shapes and sizes. Then too, if you read discriptions of some of the founding sires of the breed...there was colour there.
As for this mare pictured not being a true quarterhorse, by all means she would have been back then.( and could be again, even now) Then, for quite awhile there was not colour allowed in breeding stock above the knees/hocks, or body patches, but just a few years ago, that was legally fought and over-turned. Now a Paint and be a Quarterhorse, and a Quarterhorse a Paint, although I beleive one parent has to be a Paint now...they are trying to develop Paints as a breed on their own. Actually the Paint breed itself owes its very existance to the 1/4 horse, as it was started to give the crop-outs a place to go and not lose their liniage.
Speaking of crop-outs, there are several registered Appaloosas from way back which had TWO registered 1/4 parents. I beleive Whapiti was?? I would say that Bright Eyes dam, was likely more apt to be carrying the appy gene than the pinto/paint, as she is in a lot of Appaloosa pedigrees, and Bright Eyes did throw appy colour.
Edited to add...I did just look at Plaudette's pedigree, and she was an Appaloosa, not a 1/4 horse.
Another strange is a pedigree with Bright Eyes and Plaudette in it, showing Plaudette as an Appaloosa, yet her son, Bright Eyes, was registered as a quarterhorse. No wonder they got crop-outs...good grief.
Mighty Bright
I do Beleive Mighty Bright had colour too.