Hi girls yes sorry I dissapeared been a bit crazy here.
thank you Hayley for updating the girls.
as you may all remember Finn had a cold a fewe weeks back and he didn't improve his breathing just got worse and worse and was extremley raspy and he had mucous 24/7 in his nose poor little man was pretty miserable so I got the vet out and he said he had pnemonia and was very congested in his lungs
so the penicillin shots started
( he started improving greatly he was also ono bute as he had a fever... last sunday though he went down hill big time and started colicing, his temperature peeked at 39.3 celcius and that was after giving him as much bute as the vet would allow I was quite worried and it was a very long night (felt like I was on foal watch again lol hourly temp checks monitoring my little man. eventually his temp went down and so did he, poor baby was sooo exhausted he slept the whole night in the same spot, I had to do my hourly checks with him fast asleep snoring away. here are some pics of him and his pretty mumma sleeping while I was doing my thing in the stable.
since then his temp has gone down and his breathing has been improving greatly, he and I are both sooo sick of the penicillin injections, so luckily today my vet said I can try him on some oral antibiotics we are going to try it over the weekend and see if he keeps improving and if he does it will be amazing! and we will continue that course but if not then its back to the horrible injections again (please pray that the oral meds will help I hate injecting my baby man! )
he is looking much much happier now and his breathing is back to normal he still has a little mucous occassionally
we have been having unseasonably warm weather and as you can see in the pics Finn again is a little fluffy yak so if it doesn't cool down soon I'm going to have to clip him... and rug him he has been coming in sweaty at night which I'm sure isn't good for his pnemonia... what would you guys suggest I do?
looking at some natural supplements to help boost his immune system also so if any of you guys have any ideas of what I could use that would be much appriecated
Heidi I'm so glad your neice arrived safely in Australia... what is her name? I can add her on facebook and help her with anything she needs while she is here sounds like she is seeing all the sights and the weather has been amazing for her so thats so good! hope she really enjoys her time here in Oz