Finn is all better!!
Vet called in last monday and confirmed that he was very happy with how Finn had improved no raspiness in his breathing and his breath rate had come down to a normal level so no more antibiotics YAY been a week now without them and Finn is going great guns! hehe.
I have all of them on rose hip granules and apple cider and garlic and all their coats are looking lovely and Finn is so healthy and happy I'm going to keep going with both as I'm loving the results
Rode Smartie yesterday for the first time in probably 6 months
so good to be riding again! Rebekah my friend came and gave me a lesson, he acted up a little for the first bit just chucking his head in the air and backing up but thats the worst he did and after working on aids and flexing he was going quite nicely by the end of our lesson
Rebekah got a short video I'll have to see if I can get it off her and show you guys my riding is quite rusty so please forgive us for that but it was so much fun!
we are having the warmest july/august in quite some time here in Sydney every day is averaging 20 degrees and apparantley this sunday is meant to be 25!! worried that we are going to have a hot dry summer... Dad and I have been working with the cattle quite alot and have a plan of action of what we would like to do. we sold 20 head about 2 months ago and I'm hoping we will be able to take another 20 next week, want to cut right back (we had over 100 head!!) get the paddocks looking really good and look at a larger frame of cattle, I'm really excited! but my uncle is making it difficult which makes it hard for Dad and I to do what we want to with the herd.
Penny and Suzie are doing great! Suzie is looking so well I reckon I could take her to a show tomorrow she is looking so well
Penny is still a little fat but looking better, and yes trying to get ready for their adventures
I have been struggling to get a stallion service contract off the owner of Banner (Penny) and I'm trying to work out how I'll get her up there and back (have been secretly looking at floats to buy but I don't know if I will buy one) lol.
The owner of Suzie's stallion is moving at the end of this year
to Queensland so I will definitley put her in foal as I really want a foal by him there is a good chance he will also be gelded.
otherwise all is well mum and Dad are deserting us again at the end of this month to go to Fiji for a week for their 25th Wedding anniversary and my Grandma's 90th birthday is coming up this month which is very exciting.
was bridesmaid for a friend 2 weeks ago the wedding was beautiful! I'm being bridesmaid for another friend in December so planning the kitchen tea etc for her and getting very excited!
hope you are all well and everyones fur kids are going well
here are some piccies of everyone for you all
Kingston having a play in the garage. love my old man!
Casper and Jonny on the quad bike hehe
Blinky Bill

(he was helping me make my bed lol)
my Smartie man

(still needs a bit more weight but I don't know if he will ever put much more weight on as he is 24 yrs old)