Thank you all
its very very exciting! according to her last breeding date her due date should be between the 19th August and 3rd September 2014.
A little early to what I would have liked as it can still be quite cold then, just means I get to give it extra snuggles!! XD
I wanted to put her in foal in October but the owner had a few shows she wanted to take Wade to and had another mare that is getting bred so I was happy to work with her
Bree, I totally get what your saying and take no offense at all
I LOVE my Finnley bug to pieces but as he is part mini pony and part mini horse, he isn't quite good enough at either... he is built like a mini pony, which is great because I think that means that put to a mini pony stallion, Suzie could produce something quite nice and typy (hoping for that anyway ) lol.
Finn looks mini pony but as he is maturing he has a mini horse head... I have to finish clipping him and take some pictures for you all. he unfortunatley is a little too straight along his back for my liking (again gets that from his sire) but he has his mummy's personality and is such a little love bug!
(I sound horrible downgrading my own pony don't I lol) now that he is 2 I can register him AMPS but I'm debating whether I will.... as to register him I have to brand him
and I don't want to do that unless he is really nice and will be worth hurting him, and one that I can show well... as I'm not sure of that (have to ask some of you Ladies and get some advice) I don't want to put him through that pain...
if that makes sense...
Really hoping for quite a nice mini pony out of Suzie and Wade
fingers crossed!
my little man is 2 years old today can you believe it?!!!!

2 years ago as of 8:30pm tonight my gorgeous little Suzie mumma had our precious little Finnley!
and just cos I can, here are some baby pics to remind you all of how cute and little my baby was!