Classic K Miniatures thread. pics and updates on my mini's

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Sorry I haven't been on here much today... Crazy day... The dam has reached capacity n is now spilling down the river we will start to see the affects of this tomorrow... How bad it will get will depend on how much more rain we get... Penny seems quite a bit more settled tonight... Hoping she might do some bagging up overnight? Please penny I dnt know what to do lol

I have to babysit my friends kids tomorrow n into the night but luckily they are coming here... Just in case penny decides to finally foal...

Night/ morning all

Mum n dad now in Germany
2 am cam time and Penny is down sternal resting
yep she must have worn herself out last night bless her cos she is really resting tonight
we just got the evacuation msg (because we are only 1 minute away from the river...) bridge is about to go under! we are safe here though.... we are up on high ground but its happening... will post some pics my friends took of the bridge, they even let the fence down!

no change in Penny I am so depressed! not really but just so frustrated that nothing is happening... thinking she isn't in foal after all that
Don't be depressed Cassie
. About the time you give up is when it's all going to start happening

Oh I'm on Marestare board now too, but with a different forum name. I'm" hzmat" so when you see me post you'll know who it is. They put a thread on there for Delilah too
. Going to take some getting used to, but I can get it at work where I can't LB.
thats good Hazel
Marestare is a lovely place! I'll look out for hzmat LOL I'm under as "kingspark"

haha ok well I give up
... nothing is happening yet LOL
The name came in handy a few years ago when I was in several chat rooms. The guys left me alone
:ThumbUp and the girls thought it was funny when I explained why I used it
. I saw you were on there and commented on your thread. I have to look for the farm name on a couple to make sure I'm at the right thread. It may take a bit, but I'll get used to it.
Well that seemed to be a quieter night for our lovely Penny last night - when I could actually get the marestare to work (any news on sorting out the problems Cassie or is it just me?? I waited over 5 minutes last night at one time and still it wouldn't come up!)

Those floods sound awful - dangerous too - please be careful. If the bridge goes, does this mean you are cut off completely or just in one direction? How lucky that you are high enough to be safe and dry.
Hooray!! Just managed to get the cam up after just a minute of waiting - just before my last post I tried but it came up 'cam not found'!!

Is the door properly closed Cassie? Is it tonight that you are doing the babysitting stint? Have fun!!
She is snuggled down nice n comfy already:) one thing I love is being able to see how much she has grown in confidence in me knowing that she can trust me that she Is safe in the stable n can relax enough to lie down n have a snooze <3

Anna. Yes I am babysitting tonight already done 10 hrs n I'm exhausted the boys hAVe finally gone to sleep so I can now head to my own bed thank goodness.

River closed today n tomorrow how high it will get we dnt know but it's very good for the river gives it a good clean out anyway night
Forgot to add yes Anna it's closed... Neither Finn or suzie can get through or can penny get out just the new camera angle show the gate more then before...
It's 8.00 am and Penny is still in, Cassie are you all right? please post as I am worried.
I just noticed Penny is still in and looking for her brekkies. Perhaps Cassie has overslept after her exhausting babysitting - but then I thought kiddies woke early??

Hope all is well Casse.
there you are!
bad girl for getting me worried
How are you this morning, are you flooded? I hope all i well

you don't look very happy, I guess there is no change in Penny
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Poor Cassie you did look rather tired! Well Penny soon hot foot it out and left her stable to the two hooverers LOL!!

When do those children go home Cassie? Any chance of the floods ebbing yet?

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