Today was the second time clipping my mini, and the clippers are just not acting the way they were the first time! We have Oster A5 Turbo clippers. These weren't my first choice, I wanted the Andis 2-speed but they were sold out.
So the first time they worked great, and other than our inexperience and some clipper marks, they did a fantastic job. Today, they started out okay and then...well, let's just say it looks like my poor little man got attacked by a weed whacker.
We were turning them off and spraying them with the icy cold lube spray, and using the little brush that came with them. The problem is that it's making stripe marks on him, where three stripes get cut and three don't. And that's if it cuts at all! So we took a close look at them and it seems the smaller blade isn't moving back and forth, instead the whole blade is vibrating as one piece. This was before we even took it off once.
So we took it off, brushed off the inside, lubed it really well, same thing. It just seems like the blade maybe isn't snapping on right. The instructions say turn on the clippers, then slide the blade on the little arm and snap it down. Which seemed dangerous to me but we tried it. Still cutting stripes!
We tried manually moving the smaller blade part back and forth and it takes a huge effort. We slid it out, lubed both pieces, put it back and still it just doesn't slide back and forth! Although I'm not sure how easily it should move back and forth without it being attached and turned on.
So any guesses on what is wrong? Is there some trick to getting the blade to snap on that we're missing? I was afraid the blade was maybe dull but this was only the second time we've used them on one mini and he's bathed thoroughly and dried before hand so he's squeaky clean.
Any advice would be appreciated, in the meantime I guess I will try to find the receipt just in case!
Today was the second time clipping my mini, and the clippers are just not acting the way they were the first time! We have Oster A5 Turbo clippers. These weren't my first choice, I wanted the Andis 2-speed but they were sold out.

So the first time they worked great, and other than our inexperience and some clipper marks, they did a fantastic job. Today, they started out okay and then...well, let's just say it looks like my poor little man got attacked by a weed whacker.

We were turning them off and spraying them with the icy cold lube spray, and using the little brush that came with them. The problem is that it's making stripe marks on him, where three stripes get cut and three don't. And that's if it cuts at all! So we took a close look at them and it seems the smaller blade isn't moving back and forth, instead the whole blade is vibrating as one piece. This was before we even took it off once.
So we took it off, brushed off the inside, lubed it really well, same thing. It just seems like the blade maybe isn't snapping on right. The instructions say turn on the clippers, then slide the blade on the little arm and snap it down. Which seemed dangerous to me but we tried it. Still cutting stripes!
We tried manually moving the smaller blade part back and forth and it takes a huge effort. We slid it out, lubed both pieces, put it back and still it just doesn't slide back and forth! Although I'm not sure how easily it should move back and forth without it being attached and turned on.
So any guesses on what is wrong? Is there some trick to getting the blade to snap on that we're missing? I was afraid the blade was maybe dull but this was only the second time we've used them on one mini and he's bathed thoroughly and dried before hand so he's squeaky clean.
Any advice would be appreciated, in the meantime I guess I will try to find the receipt just in case!
