Good morning all!
Yes the little one has nursed, pottied, pooped - did everything she was supposed to do.

I do not leave (for bed) until they have done everything they are supposed to do. Thank you for noticing that she may be straining though and I may give her an enema when I go out for morning chores just to help her along and of course the vet will be coming.

She did come out wanting to jump right up, nurse, eat and race around the stall. She says "thank goodness I am out of that tight place" LOL. "I want to show the world how beautiful and happy I am".
I have been doing this for a very long time so am very experienced, but when I had not had a wink of sleep for over 24 hours and she was laboring so long I let my mind start racing with terrible thoughts and just needed some rest to relax. Red Snow did not follow her own rulebook this year. LOL Stinker! I was calm as a cucumber during delivery though.
This filly is just gorgeous. I cannot wait until she unfolds and I can get some better photos of her. She is also so friendly and sweet. I don't know if you all noticed, but she comes right to me each and every time I go in there.
Yes, Red Snow was like "PLEASE" leave me and my baby alone. I'm tired and I want to eat my dinner (FINALLY) and I want to be left alone with my new baby.
John said earlier in the day " it's gonna be a girl honey, because only a girl would give her mommy this much trouble even before birth". LOL
Parmela there could never be a dog in the barn at night because I close it up tight. I am the biggest worrier of predators and I would never get any sleep unless I knew that every single one of my horses was tucked in tight with no possible chance of a predator attack. I know I'm a little over-the-top.
I want to thank you all again so much for sharing in our joy! Now we wait for Annie who is next to foal on 5-12-12.