I have seen mares on Mare Stare that "tested ready" for seemingly forever, so I guess it does happen. As long as she isn't losing the colostrum (i.e it isn't streaming onto the ground), you should be OK. They foal when they are ready and not before!!
I never in a million years would have thought our mare Toffee would have foaled before your mare. Toffee's milk was at pH 7.0 last night and the baby was definitely NOT in position yet. Even at 10 AM when I was putting Dancer out I noticed nothing and it looks like no one else did. Then BANG when I fed lunch at noon she foaled mostly standing up and never setting the alarm off (like last year). Good thing I noticed Clyde peering in Toffee's stall window and ran to investigate, as the filly was a good ways out already. Show just how sneaky these mares can be!!!
Renee at the barn I have no Internet to upload the photos, just can post from my phone. When someone comes to take my place for an hour later ill post them. What time is it your time???
I don't think I have ever seen Summer eat, drink, and pee so much as I have in the past 2 days.