We had a mare here last year who showed ready and held for almost a full week.
If your vet is checking on her twice a day, and not alarmed, then I would think everything is fine. How far away is that vet?
So, she's only been at 6.0 for 3+ days then. One of the reasons I wanted that picture is to see how baby is positioned, so we know if it's looking like it's in the "GO" position. I've never personally had one hang on this long -- but when you deal in "averages" we know there are some that are "off the charts" at both ends, so she's trying to set a new record.
I think if there was a problem, you would see her doing a lot of rolling. Mares seem to know when baby is not in a good position, and roll to move baby around. If she's not rolling, then perhaps baby IS lined up and ready to go.
The key is to never hinder momma from rolling. Even when they are foaling -- some will know, for example, that baby is getting hip-locked or something similar, and "nature" tells them to do some rolling -- even staying on their back for a bit. I believe that "nature" knows that gravity will naturally rotate baby a bit, and loosen a hip-lock or reposition a baby so that it can be born naturally. I never try to keep a mare from rolling or going up and down when she wants during foaling. So allow for freedom of movement if that's what "nature" is telling her to do.
If you're worried, call the vet, let them know she's been testing ready, but has been holding.
If her udder is hard, tonight might just be the night she decides to go! Let's hope so, and we're praying for an uneventful delivery of a healthy little one. Make sure your foaling kit is ready and within reach. Have your vet on speed dial, just in case. Know that you may have to assist as it might be a tight squeeze, but that's easy to do, We're all here for you, and will be here for you until this baby is safely on the ground!
Remember the sigins -- she may become agitated, she may pace her stall in circles, she may go down, up and down, up and down, etc. Or, she may do none of these and just lay down and foal with hay in her mouth! That's the fun part -- you never know quite what they will do -- but if you keep good notes this year -- you sure will know what to expect next year! LOL
Come on Summer -- let's get this show on the road.
But, we're perfectly willing to have you wait until daylight, if you'd like!!