Cocoa - Koora Filly - WARNING - Picture overload! Page 36

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Do you reckon she will keep her blue eye? around her eyes used to be pink but now has gone black like eye liner, shes such a sweety!!

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It rained last night and the only two dirty horses are Koora and Amigo lol

Like father like daughter

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Looks like a permanent blue, if you intend to use either dam or sire for breeding in the future I'd suggest testing for frame if only to rule it out. You could also test her for slpahs and sabino1 if you are curious
I don't plan on breeding and amigo has been gelded, I am tempted to check anyway though so maybe I will one day
So i measured her the other day (not very accurately lol) and going off the height chart it says she will be about 44" tall haha


Shes a cheeky little thing and loves butt scratches haha

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How old is she and how tall???? I just can't believe that!
Haha sorry bit of a typo lol i think 44"

She is two weeks old today, and i very roughly measured her (as she wont stay still very long) I might have to triple check lol but i got 28.5"

My horses are biggish miniatures though, as Cocoa is about 38" and Amigo is 36"
Ooooo love the pictures - thanks for the update, she's really so very cute, pretty too.

I think your measuring might be a bit out - unless her parents have mostly over 40" relations, I dont think she will grow to anywhere near 44". Having said that, and looking at her at 2 weeks standing alongside her mum, she certainly is a big girl!

Keep the pictures coming please.
I roughly got 9.5", how do you calculate the height using the canon bone?

Maybe she will be an exception to the rule and hardly grow at all haha
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Not to say that they certainly can't grow taller, but my colts this year are all out of 38" mares (probably a smidge taller now, but they were all 38" at time of permanent measuring) by a 35.75" stallion; Junior measured 22-23" tall at birth (June 17) and Monte measured almost 24" (June 23), didn't get a birth measurement on Manny (july 12), but he was smaller than the other two and still is. One September 28, I weighed and measured all three boys (you can do the math on their age): Junior was 29.5" tall (about 110#), Monte was 29.5" tall (about 105#) and Manny was 27" tall (about 75#).

And, some grow fast early and taper off, other grow slowly over time.
Well I do think she has grown a bit, but she was bigger than cocoas previous foals at birth. And since I have no idea of how big amigos(kooras dad) parents are. I guess we wil just have to wait and see.

I saw pictures of your foals, they are soo cute
and manny was sooo tiny
I didn't get to worm cocoa straight after the birth because I couldn't catch her for nearly a week. So I was just wondering can I worm koora now at 2 and a bit weeks old? And what with? Because I really want to worm cocoa and the rest of them?
Foals should be wormed once they are a month old, then once a month until they are 6 months - we then do them every other month until they are a year when they then join the regular worming programme of our other horses. Use a mild wormer on a foal - you are aiming for the normal round worms that all youngsters seem to carry. Read the information inside the worming packets - this will tell you whether the wormer is safe for foals/lactating mares/breeding stock. Some wormers say not to use until the foal is 5 or 6 weeks old. Remember to avoid the use of Quest (Equest) with mini horses and I would avoid Zimectin Gold for any of your horses as well.

Hope this helps!
Yes that helps heaps thanks Anna, one more question lol So if i worm all the others and i dont worm Koora. If Koora has worms, will it have been a waste to worm the others? or worm the others anyway?
Ivermectin based wormers are the best for foals

I do use Equest on mine, IMHO nothing beats it as a wormer. You just have to be careful with it, don't double dose and you should be fine. But it is a personal choice, if you don't use Equest in your worming program I think Panacur can be just as effective if you use the 5 day treatment?
I have missed all these lovely photos! I am completely in love with "little" Koora! She is just lovely

How about some new pics?!
Thankyou for all the advice on worming, i wont worm koora yet because i realised she will actually be a month old in a week and a half anyway, so she can wait till then
Ill have to look into getting some wormers for foals though.

So your in luck because i actually took photos yesterday afternoon and this morning
Koora is covered in mud because it rained but she was having run running around like a lunatic!!

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Heres some photos of the rest of them



Cooper (aka Blondie haha) very hard to take pictures because he loves snuggles



Oh she really is a beautiful little girl!! I just love foal playtime antics too.

Your other guys are all looking great- thanks for all the updated pictures.

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