Cocoa - Koora Filly - WARNING - Picture overload! Page 36

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Sorry guys but i took some more photos and just couldnt help sharing

IMG_2500 - Copy.JPGIMG_2519 - Copy - Copy.JPGKoora - Copy.JPG
Love that shot of Cocoa
Same here
its a lot better than all the fat belly shots ive been showing of her haha and her dapples are coming back!!
(even though you probably cant see them in that photo)
Thanks Cassie

I found this picture in my collection and realised that they were running in sync (almost lol)

IMG_2486 - Copy.JPG
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New Pictures!!!

First off Koora having fun


Playing with one of my dogs (dont worry they love each other)


Cocoa was in a fine mood, unfortunately i missed most of the bucking, rearing etc lol


Amigo sticking his tongue out at you all!! (he is getting his feet done in a few days)

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If you look closely you will see that Cocoa is racing a bird
(terrible picture of her though lol)

Cocoa and Bird.JPG

and lastly Koora meeting her half brother cooper (as he is very calm and has been around foals before) She got a bit confused though and thought he had a milk bar haha i had to shoo her away because she kept trying. Poor cooper kept squealing and trying to get away haha

She's adorable!
Looks like such a character!

She's still quite big compared to her mum, you almost have to wonder how she fit
She's adorable!
Looks like such a character!

She's still quite big compared to her mum, you almost have to wonder how she fit
i know, i keep wondering that myself. I think i was very lucky that Cocoa was not a maiden. She is definitely going to tower over the others lol She has the biggest character, i think she gets it from daddy as he is very similar and an in your face kind of horse lol
She really is soooo big! Her face is so pretty, and that eye liner is so striking! What a gorgeous girl
Oh thanks for the pictures, she and her Momma are looking great! Love that pic of her and Cooper - so funny. LOL!!
So we have a little escape artist on our hands! I got up this morning and Koora was out of her paddock, so i put her back. Then when i came back 10 minutes later she had escaped into the other paddock with her dad and brothers. Since they were running round like lunatics i decided the least stressful option would be to let Cocoa join them. They seem to have settled down now and are getting along very well. Koora has learnt that when the others are annoying all she has to do is stand near her mum because her mum will bash them lol Koora quite likes her daddy and it is very obvious where all her attitude comes from lol

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