My matriarch silver bay mare, Sooner States Melody, who also is strong in sabino and perhaps splash(bald face, white on lower lip, high white behind w/'points', one blue eye, one brown) is 25+ years old. I have had her since she was not yet 3(and already had a foal--
!). She has produced: by a solid silver-a solid silver. By a solid black--a solid black and a solid, darker in tone than herself, silver bay; by a black tobi pinto--a silver tobi pinto, and a black tobi pinto; by a palomino--a solid mahogany bay, and a hard-to-classify??, fully sabino roaned, baldfaced, high white behind, horse that appears to be black or dark silver based(I know, same thing, essentially!)-but is so 'roaned' it is kind of hard to tell! His mane and tail are essentially the same 'fully roaned' tone as his body, but he does have the black 'edging' on his mane that many duns or buckskins can have(and as Fjords have!) So, what is HE?? There was also a late term aborted foal by the palomino who was the only other to have the facial and leg markings of the dam, but it had no hair so couldn't tell what color it would have been. Sorry I don't know how or have pictures in a form that could be posted here(maybe SOMEDAY!)
In my experience, a silver does tend to produce more silvers and less variety than a silver bay--but that is based on a very small 'sample'!! You may well be 'on to' something, though--an astute observation.