Well-Known Member
So.... I have two horses out in my paddock who's colors.... well... I have no clue what's going on. So, I took some new photos, and have presented them to you all for help!! They are a mother/son pair
OH! Just ones that show the colors
First, mom.
the amazing color changing horse.
Her mom is listed as a 'Bay/White Pintaloosa'. Here are some photos:
I have no clue what her sire looks like
but if it helps, her pedigree is here:
There is a lot of Appy there.
Now, Annie was born bay:
but a bit strange. You can't see it- but she has almost a 'dorsal stripe'- but not really. It is a dark blotch on top of her hindquarters, that thins into a dorsal stripe. If you look behind her ear, you can see the darker portion.
This is a horse that I'm 90% positive is her half brother. He has it too:
When I met her, as a yearling, she was UGLY. She was shedding out her bay, and was half gray-colored. The gray was a medium-gray. She didn't have her dorsal 'thing' anymore.
When the brown coat was fully gone, she kept the brown mane and tail for about a year or so. When she was three, she was almost completely brown-free. Her tail made a sudden change, from brown to gray. Her body adopted a very light, light gray, with darker points (but not a very dark head). You can see that here:
This is the lightest she has ever been.
Then, she got a little bit darker, more like when she had just shed her bay:
And she changed more. She started developing some mottling. After all, she has a lot of appy up there. She's always had striped hooves, and now she has mottling. A spot actually developed on her back. It was black, and about the size of a quarter. It only stayed for a year and half
And some more change occurred:
That is winter fuzz clinging to her belly. See the difference?
Over the summer (you can see the mottling here!):
Now, she's changed still!! These were taken today:
Her mane has all three colors- brown, black, and a silver-gray. Her tail is the same
So.... ummm... what color is she??
[more to come.. too many photos in one post]
And now, her son.... Roger.
Roger's dam, is of course, Annie above. His sire is a palomino.
His dad's side has mostly bay-based horses, plus a perlino. So he doesn't appear to be carrying anything crazy.
Roger's pedigree is here:
So.... when Roger was born, he was a cute little buckskin. Easy enough. Got the dilution from dad, and the brown/augoti from either parent. No apparent appy or anything.
But then..... he contracted Annie's mysterious butt/dorsal stripe gone wrong.
See it there? on his butt? It started small...
But then it grew...
So we clipped him, and he looked like this. Note how it's grown on his back.
And then it kept on growing!
And so he got clipped again. The brown had almost enveloped him!!!
but then winter set in, and he grew his fuzzies. And things got even stranger..
I took these photos today. There have been a LOT of changes!! He's gotten mottling. Big time! And striped hooves.
As you can see, his color is very stratified. And very varied.
He now has what we call 'shin gaurds'... That dark brown is ONLY on the front of his legs..
The dorsal blob is BIG:
I mean it really is like a dorsal stripe gone wrong. It reaches all the way up his neck...
and onto his face.....
and back down his butt. Note his 'mottling'... it's like spots! I mean it goes down his butt!!
Now, if you look at him, he has three distinct colors working on him:
This one on his 'dorsal blob' (DARK, with a few silver undertones):
This one around his ribs (medium tips, with DARK undercoat (some dark color as dorsal blob)):
And this one on his belly (cremey silver all the way through):
And now, he has this creme colored ring around his eye. It's not just colored skin, like on a normal mottled skin app- it's creme hair!! And he now has a mealy mouth!
So what the h*ll is going on???
These two never fail to amaze me with how they change....
I just want to know what's going on! And what to expect!!


First, mom.
the amazing color changing horse.
Her mom is listed as a 'Bay/White Pintaloosa'. Here are some photos:
I have no clue what her sire looks like

but if it helps, her pedigree is here:
There is a lot of Appy there.
Now, Annie was born bay:

but a bit strange. You can't see it- but she has almost a 'dorsal stripe'- but not really. It is a dark blotch on top of her hindquarters, that thins into a dorsal stripe. If you look behind her ear, you can see the darker portion.
This is a horse that I'm 90% positive is her half brother. He has it too:
When I met her, as a yearling, she was UGLY. She was shedding out her bay, and was half gray-colored. The gray was a medium-gray. She didn't have her dorsal 'thing' anymore.
When the brown coat was fully gone, she kept the brown mane and tail for about a year or so. When she was three, she was almost completely brown-free. Her tail made a sudden change, from brown to gray. Her body adopted a very light, light gray, with darker points (but not a very dark head). You can see that here:

This is the lightest she has ever been.
Then, she got a little bit darker, more like when she had just shed her bay:

And she changed more. She started developing some mottling. After all, she has a lot of appy up there. She's always had striped hooves, and now she has mottling. A spot actually developed on her back. It was black, and about the size of a quarter. It only stayed for a year and half

And some more change occurred:

That is winter fuzz clinging to her belly. See the difference?
Over the summer (you can see the mottling here!):

Now, she's changed still!! These were taken today:

Her mane has all three colors- brown, black, and a silver-gray. Her tail is the same

So.... ummm... what color is she??
[more to come.. too many photos in one post]
And now, her son.... Roger.
Roger's dam, is of course, Annie above. His sire is a palomino.

His dad's side has mostly bay-based horses, plus a perlino. So he doesn't appear to be carrying anything crazy.
Roger's pedigree is here:
So.... when Roger was born, he was a cute little buckskin. Easy enough. Got the dilution from dad, and the brown/augoti from either parent. No apparent appy or anything.

But then..... he contracted Annie's mysterious butt/dorsal stripe gone wrong.

See it there? on his butt? It started small...

But then it grew...

So we clipped him, and he looked like this. Note how it's grown on his back.

And then it kept on growing!

And so he got clipped again. The brown had almost enveloped him!!!

but then winter set in, and he grew his fuzzies. And things got even stranger..

I took these photos today. There have been a LOT of changes!! He's gotten mottling. Big time! And striped hooves.
As you can see, his color is very stratified. And very varied.

He now has what we call 'shin gaurds'... That dark brown is ONLY on the front of his legs..

The dorsal blob is BIG:

I mean it really is like a dorsal stripe gone wrong. It reaches all the way up his neck...

and onto his face.....

and back down his butt. Note his 'mottling'... it's like spots! I mean it goes down his butt!!

Now, if you look at him, he has three distinct colors working on him:
This one on his 'dorsal blob' (DARK, with a few silver undertones):

This one around his ribs (medium tips, with DARK undercoat (some dark color as dorsal blob)):

And this one on his belly (cremey silver all the way through):

And now, he has this creme colored ring around his eye. It's not just colored skin, like on a normal mottled skin app- it's creme hair!! And he now has a mealy mouth!

So what the h*ll is going on???

These two never fail to amaze me with how they change....

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