He is so cute and I think he did know he was making the people giggle more by spinning around. He just seems so happy. Such a neat animal!!!!
"Roscoe" here turned out to be a "Regina". She is doing really well and growing. She goes after her food (just pellets or frozen bloodworms) like she is a horror movie pirranah. However, because she's a she vs. a he, she will not get super pretty. She's also a "fader" though, which means she will eventually be white with a pink tinge -- so that will be neat!!!
We had bought an expensive, for sure male, flowerhorn about 2mos ago and named him Reggie. He was gorgeous but he had a hunger strike when he first got here, then began to eat, then started another hunger strike and he did not recover. He ended up dying last week and is the only fish we've actually buried. We tried everything the experts said to do including medicines, deworming, increased water temperature, salt, etc. The water parameters were always good. I do not know what went wrong... I'm trying to decide now what to put in his tank. I don't know if I want to try another flowerhorn or not. Currently, I have some of our fancy goldfish in it to keep the cycle going (to feed the good bacteria basically, that's what makes aquariums work for the fish).