Love reading all the posts
Every one of my coats has either- horse hay, dog treats or double end snaps in them often making thier way into the clothes washer and getting all over everything.
I have parrots and have been know to go into public with bird poop on my shoulder (unknowingly but that still doesn't remind me to check every time).
I've gone to parent teacher meetings right after taking care of horses to find bits of broken glass I've picked up in my pockets and hay in my hair.
Found a chicken egg I put in my glove compartment for safe keeping till I got home that I forgot about but found a week and a half later.
Forgot to change my barn boots and went to the store with people giving me a funny look in the line behind me.
I have horse stuff ALL OVER my house! I have a saddle on the side table in the kitchen, bits in the living room, harnesses and misc in our extra room, Part of a cart in my bird room, lead ropes in the bathroom, two tack trunks in my extra bedroom
I've been known to run out barefoot to the barn.
I try to keep my "horse jackets" in the bathroom but occationally I forget and hang it in the living room which is over the heater- very soon the fragrance of horse is the strongest smell in the house.
Left a syringe on my dashboard of my truck while parked at my daughters school (luckily only for lunch/recess duty!).
Any since I live in the center of town with neighbors on all sides with houses that overlook by paddocks they have gotten used to: hearing me talk to the horses and now my "chickers" (chickens) as I talk to them all the time, that I am not a pervert always sticking my hands between hind legs of horses (checking for pregnancy or to see if a colt has dropped, checking a bag ect), not trying to connect telepathically with the horses because I lean my head on thier sides and back (to listen for gut sounds) and they have all got used to "the nature of breeding horses" even if I have to help!
Not so shocking but more funny than anything!