Well-Known Member
Have worked on branding cattle all day (my job was castrating and ear marking) and with hands and arms covered in blood, cow sh** and hair that has dried on, will roast the 'oysters' on a piece of baling wire over the branding fire and eat them, by hand of course, when they are done, off of the wire, like roasted marshmellows.
HGFarm, The above must be normal LOLOL, i'm surprised that nobody said anything about it!!! It took me a minute with the "oyster" part even though i've heard of it before.

This is soooo funny, I can imagine the looks you must of got.One of the most embarassing moments for my kids as teenagers was going to the grocery store with me only to see half way through the store that I had left the Preparation H I used on the horses earlier was still in my back pocket.