My blind heeler, Dallas, had a hard time breathing last week, went to Vet, got abx, came home. Over weekend no improvement, went back, more abx, came home. 3 days later still no improvement, went back stronger abx plus a diuretic, still no improvement. Its been 12 days and there is no change at all. Third visit, after I grilled Vet, was told that Dallas was 'tying to get a touch of CHF'. This Vet is a peach but he will not euthanize for nothing and will keep up hope no matter what. I do not want to put Dallas down, cant even think about it, however I am beginning to wonder. He is only 12 and 2 weeks ago was fine, tore into his Christmas kong like he was a pup LOL Now he is hasslin all the time. He gets so fatigued so quick that he wont even stand to eat/drink and usually lays next to the water bowl so he doesnt have to get up. He is perky, ask him if he wants a treat and he appears, ask if he wants to go for a ride and he's off to find the 4 wheeler LOL
I just dont know what to do. I dont know how long to hope the meds will work. I dont know if my Vet is placating me or being honest. Night before second visit Dallas gave me that ' I am just too tired to do this anymore mom' look , but in the morning was happy again. Anyone deal with CHF? Anyone have a crystal ball I can use?
I just dont know what to do. I dont know how long to hope the meds will work. I dont know if my Vet is placating me or being honest. Night before second visit Dallas gave me that ' I am just too tired to do this anymore mom' look , but in the morning was happy again. Anyone deal with CHF? Anyone have a crystal ball I can use?