contracts and deposits

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Say a client emails or calls saying that they want to buy a horse. They have driven out to see the horses already.You make up a contract and send it. How long do you wait for the deposit and contract to be returned to you.

Is it rude to contact the prospective buyers? If not, how long do I wait before contacting them to see if the sale is still for real? Also, should I call or email?

Thanks.... usually I get a deposit and the contract right away.

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If a week has passed i would pick up the phone and call them. A conversation on the phone is the easiest way of solving any questions i think.

Also if a week has passed and you can't get a hold of them i would go ahead and find other buyers that are interested. :lol:
I'd call or email, whichever is the way you are typically in contact with them.

Personally, when I am sure I want to buy a horse, I am quick to make it official. I'd say "reasonable" time is maybe 2 days plus the time it takes the mail to go from point a to point b.
I wouldn't hesitate to drop them an Email or give them a call.
You make up a contract and send it. How long do you wait for the deposit and contract to be returned to you.

First of all, never send out a contract without a date to receive it back by.

Now, I know there are problems with mail sometimes so to make sure they received it, I would call. But again, give them a specific date where the contract becomes null and void. I also would email the contract if they say they never received it. People can really play some weird games and I am not up for any of them.
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When I sell ANY livestock and the person wants to send a deposit. I ALWAYS tell them that the deposit is non-refundable and I must receive it with in a week. That means they have to send it right away not in a week. I let them know that I do not take the animal off the market until I get the deposit. It may sound harsh but, if you think about the cost of advertising and your time It really isn't. It's just business. If you mailed the contract to them after a week I would call and ask if they got it. They should then give you some indication on when you will be getting the signed contract back. If they want to wait then tell them you can not hold the horse.
I would call or email after a wk. It is only fair to you. I mean something could have come up and that is ok but you deserve to know.

Good Luck
Ditto the above, and good advice Carol to put a return by date on it.

However, keep in mind, I sometimes get mail in 2 days and sometimes 12! I would give them a call or email to make sure they even got it, and ask if they are still interested. By sending email, you have documented record in print, and you can always tell them then (and again have record) that the return date is mm/dd/yy.
Ditto - I put a "deposit must be RECEIVED by" date in the contract and if not received by then, the contract is null & void. I usually date it for 10 days from the date I send it. If they have asked me to send a contract I figure they don't need any additional time to dither.

While the contract is "pending" I leave the horse on my sales page and if I receive any inquiries I let them know that if I don't have a deposit by such & such a date, the horse is available.
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Thanks for your replies.

I know that when I buy a horse, I send at least the dposit out right away. I have NEVER waited 7 days or more.

I called yesterday and emailed. Saying that I would be up until midnight, and no response.

Not sounding promising... and I have someone that wants to come to see the sale horses, so by the weekend if I don't have the deposit, I am going to say... first one to have money in my hand gets the horse.


I agree with your decision. I wonder if we get the same people coming over. I tell them before they leave I have to keep the horse for sale until a deposit is made. It is only fair.

PS the woman who came over was she a young lady with dark hair and daughter about 4 yrs old?
It was a young couple with two tiny kids from NY. They seemed very nice. But I would bet we get the same people looking since we are so close.

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I had a woman stop by and she said she had another farm locally to go to. She called last night & wants to stop by again with her husband over the wkend. So it is not the person they are from NJ and have one child.

It is always something.


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