Drug and vaccine useThe overuse of drugs and vaccines is rampant in many horses, especially horses used in competitions. Many competition horses receive multiple drugs during a show, and many live on a variety of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs), antibiotics, steroids and bronco-dilators all the time. The level of internal stress created by the use of such a large quantity of drugs has a negative effect on the entire immune system, the health of the gastro-intestinal system and the ability of the horse to digest and absorb nutrients correctly.
The overuse of vaccines is understood to create problem with the immune system, though there is little human research to prove a connection between vaccines and insulin resistance. There are some reports of vaccines as part of the possible cause of insulin dependant diabetes (19 Ovetchkine), but very little proof. Clinically, however, many of the homeopathic remedies that fit the Insulin resistance and Cushing’s horses are the vaccinosis remedies. The vaccinosis remedies produce some excellent results, though some cases require other remedies not related to vaccinosis.