I have to say I do not think horses that are well bred healthy and useful should be sold to killers. :no:
But it is a fact that the "kill price" has pretty much set the market for horses in this counrty for many years.They were the buyers for the ill, hurt, unsound poorly bred and just plain mean horses. And with that buyer in the market for the most part gone, that means the bottom has fallen out. Prices are low for all horses because there is no bottom. The horses the kill buyer purchused is now much cheaper and the buyer who is looking can buy them for $35 so way would they pay more for ours. With prices this low the poor horse will not be sold but left to suffer because the owner no longer wants or can keep them properly and will ot pay to have it put down.
The horse person who would want to buy a new horse, with a horse they can not ride or use for what ever reason, has no buyer for it, there is no price out there for it, they can't sell so must keep it, so can not buy a new horse or horses. All thier time, money and space is taken up by the what should be kill the horse.
Like Wolflady said, we can not buy all the horses for sale.. no one in thier right mind can or will. The horader and collecters will buy. Put them in poor conditions, not knowing how to care for them. A kind of H*** I would think. And the animals will suffer.
Un knowing people buying a lot horses with health issues ,untrained, wild, or just plain mean and along with the good cheap horses will be putting them all together and carring for the poorly. YUP H***.
I do not know what the answer is now.
We had a answer the "kill market" but we in this western world decided that horse were pets and not livestock and being such can not be eaten by us or anyone(very wrong, it's not our right to decide what is right or wrong for any one else) and now are left with a much bigger issue. What to do with all the horses ??
I do not want to sound like one of those who complains and does nothing.
I will breed less, breed better and to market better.