The thing is, in this case, none of this is based on "rumour" it is based on our own personal take based on what we saw and how we reacted to what we saw.
I saw a lump of a child sitting on a fairly well fed mare that was quite obviously neither big enough nor robust enough to carry the child.
I did not comment on how lumpy the child was, nor how appalling a rider she was as the picture might have been taken at a bad moment (but then why on earth post it on a website??) and the child cannot be held solely responsible for her weight.
The fact remains that a rescue society, that sets itself up as such and claims to have experience as such, should not be putting pictures like this on a website, giving the impression that the Mini can carry a huge child and opening it up for further abuse in the future, they are supposed to be finding it a
better home than the one it came from, not consigning it back into heck, for goodness sake!!!
I had that condescending e-mail back form them too, and have replied again to it.
They wanted to know how I could tell a Black Roan from a Silver Black- from a picture- DUH!!! If they are asking that- what else do they not know??(this was not a genuine question from them, by the way, it was a "what do you know?" sort of question)
You see, I have raised this point on a number of occasions before-
Buying animals from the slaughter yard at the high prices they ask (the prices on these horses were surprisingly low) is encouraging people like this to make a quick profit by setting themselves up as "rescue" agencies.
I am not saying there are not genuine rescue organisations attached to slaughter yards- and it breaks my heart to see the horses there- BUT are we in fact just feeding the monster by buying out of these yards.
I am not at all sure of the answer- I only know if I lived anywhere near a yard like that I would have a field full of horses in record time and so, I suppose I would set about re homing some, and so it starts!!
I would NOT have any large, lumpy kids riding them though