Do You Have a Favorite Horse?

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
Reaction score
Spotsy., VA (USA)
Okay, I know this isn't easy! For me at this point, it's honestly like picking a favorite among favorites. I do though have one horse I feel a huge (HUGE) connection to. I just click with him totally. Additionally, he is very sweet, very much "my" horse (he doesn't hardly take his eyes off me if I'm outside), and when I am working with him, it's so obvious that he is putting his entire heart into trying to do what I'm asking. Once he understands what I want, he does it.

My "favorite" out of all my favorites is my B division show gelding, Little Kings BT Bacardi Gold. Just last night, I was out spending time loving on every one of our horses and loved on Bacardi last. He won't leave me alone if I love on him first. When I get down and hug him around his neck, he hugs me back. Harvey came around the barn when we were hugging each other and he just started laughing at our big "mamma's boy".

I am wondering, too, if he gets some of his BIG heart from his sire, BTU? I think REO / Robin has posted before about the wonderful mind of her BTU son. Then DunIT, my coming 2yo stallion, is a grandson of BTU and he is also amazingly sweet and loving. He can be a pistol, but he is also very affectionate (and smart as a whip!).

Let's hear about your favorites!




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oh Jill you HAD to put it that way! I have one mare that I admit it, she is my favorite. She is the horsey love of my life and we are connected in a way that is very hard to describe. We sort of just know what the other is thinking and feeling. As far as adults go she is a one person horse and I am her chosen person. That said, she ADORES children. She is very empathic and great with kids and adults with special needs as well. I have used her for therapy work at the riding center, in parades, nursing home and group home visits--and finally got off my tail a couple years ago and taught her to drive. I see her faults plain as day, but in my eyes she is the most beautiful thing on the Earth.

Here is my girl Raineys Spectators Delight:


Waiting for our class to start:



Showmanship class:


All fuzzy showing "the natural" look:


Playing in the field:


And in her favorite roll and best friend, babysitter and confidant:


Man I love this horse!

Everyone knows who my faviorte is, of course thats my show gelding Red.

I've had him eversince he was a weanling, and we've always had a connection. Always shows his big heart out in the show ring. He has his good days and his bad, just like me lol. He has his faviorte classes, I have mine. He hates jumping, though he does it, just have to encourage him. We both are starting to find halter obstacle pretty boring anymore, need more challenging stuff. Both of our faviortes has to be driving. As a 3yr old, first time showing in it, and at Nationals no less, he took Reserve National Champion in Open Roman Chariot, 38" & Under. He also took Reserve in Amateur out of 2, but he did awsome! Also he took 4th in Open Obstacle Driving, Under. Of course in Liberty at Nationals that was a big laugh, didn't want to run or nothing, I think he just wanted me too look like a goof ball but I had fun lol. Next year he might show in one class that he has never shown in before and thats Leadline, hes getting trained for that next year and also we will be doing some trick training.

:lol: This is easy,,,,,,,,,,,I so love them all,,,,,,,,,,,but when you nurse, and nurse a horse,,,,,told more than once she won't make it and being the fighter she is,,,,,,,,,, makes it through ALL,,,,,can't help but love her spoiled little butt!!! Got to admire any horse that can get through what this little filly went through.

She already is very spoiled, has a big head about it, so please, if you are ever at my house,,,,,,,this is between us.

Prints in now 1 1/2 year,,,,,,below,,,,,,pictures per every 6 months.

V V's Picture Perfect Prints



My Man Canterbury Excalibur : from Canterbury Farm Don & Nancy Ritchey

First day I saw him July 2005


The day he arrived ....Aug 2005


2weeks his first show..


and today a blooming 2yr old//

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This is a really tough one for me, because you all know how crazy I am about my little leopard
: boy!! But I'd have to say that my favorite of the group is our little driving gelding Monte. He is the one reason my husband enjoys the minis as much as he does. Monte is the "go anywhere and do anything" Wonder Horse! He is exactly the kind of horse my husband needed to learn how to drive, and to see the two of them together just warms my heart. They are the perfect pair! He is also the horse that we can trust with our guests that come to go driving with us. Monte is a kind soul that will get along with everyone in the herd, and he's always the first to the fence to say hello. He has the cutest little knicker too.........I could just squeeze this little guy I love him so much!


Dozing in the sun.

As far as favorites, Gramma Pony just hangs right in there, not because she's overly affectionate, but because she makes me laugh and/or smile w/her "old lady" attitude, also her survivor ability, obvious b/c she's here at 30 years of age. She's even beautiful to look at, in her old age, and for the most part, very easy to handle as long as things run according to what she thinks they should. She always reminds me to slow down and not rush or be terse about things b/c if I am, she lets me know by refusing to go where I want her to or do what I want her to!

Here she is on her 30th birthday this last Summer:


I have owned her now (or she has let us keep her here w/us and tend to her) for 11 years this Dec. and I thought that I would be losing her within months, back then. Here she is alive and well! Just hope she has at least another decade in her.

And my other favorite, Lailah:


It took three years to get her on the ground, and I planned for her and saved to buy her dam for years. I don't even want to tally up what she cost me to get born, and when she arrived, when I saw the little black legs and muzzle, I figured colt, which was ok, too, actually was hoping for a boy. She's not overly affectionate but sweet, and has the most beautiful, long lashes and looks amazing even in the pasture all feminine and soft. She has a "witchy" side, though, which keeps me entertained. The above pic was taken when she was just a few weeks old, and illustrates the sweet. Here is a pic of how "mean" she could be (the other two fillies born that year were both two months older than her:


(don't think about eating MY food)

Running around the pasture as a two year old filly:



I love looking at her, and she's given me two beautiful fillies so far, who are also very beautiful and will likely become treasured broodmares.

Fun thread (though boy I am glad Mouse really can't read. He is a favorite, too, they all are, for different reasons).

Liz M.
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I love reading about

your special friends

I only have 6 minis and really love

them all. I don't know that I could pick

one over another today, but my

baby filly has my number...

She calls to me when I come home from work

(Not just for food) LOL

She is just so precious to me



I have 3 minis and I don't know if I could pick a favorite. They are all favorites to me for their own special ways. My first horse, Diamond, for his laid back easy-going nature, nothing upsets him, Onyx, my second horse for his spirit and the special connection he and I made, and Blossom my filly for her sweet nature and gentleness. But if I absolutely had to pick a favorite, I guess it would be Diamond (horse in my avatar) because he was my first and I had waited for more than 50 years to get my first horse. I only paid $400 for him and he is definitely not show horse material but to me he is priceless. But then all my horses are to me.
This is fun to read about!

Sometimes I say and feel that my favorite one is the one I am handling or thinking of at that particular moment, but sometimes there are horses that just really, really seem to tune in and click with a person. It's a great thing when that happens!

And, there are some beautiful "favorites" shown here so far
Yes! I have 2 favorites! They are my only 2 residents right now although I do have 2 out on lease.

My Fairy & My Kitty!

Love them both to pieces and the other day when my 5 & 7 year old daughters were leading them down the road and smiling from ear to ear saying Momma "Look I am good with horses aren't I".......I smiled from ear to ear and thought those are some special girls 2 & 4 legged alike!!

I love them, cherish them and TRUST them with my kids!

Besides the fact they are pretty I trust them and know they love us back:)

Awesome girls they are!

The awful clip job speaks for itself!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankfully this has allgrown into a beautiful wooly coat


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My favorite is Perseus (Frederick of Underwood). He is the sweetest horse I've ever owned - big or small. He is like how Jill said - watches me when I'm outside, comes running to me when I go in the pasture. He gets very jelous of the others when I pay attention to them and will try to get in between me and them, including my hubby. He grooms me and if I sit on the ground in the pasture, he will lay next to me. He has a great disposition. He may not be the "prettiest" of minis, but what he lacks in looks, he makes up for in personality. He is a great horse.

He has been sold since I'm getting out of minis....God will I miss him. I'm crying just thinking about it.

Here he is this past spring...sitting like a dog..


He is such a nice mover...someday he will make a wonderful driving gelding..


He and Merlin being goofs..

My very favorite is our stallion Arc Pal. He is the sweetest, gentlest horse I've ever known. He LOVES everyone especially our 4yr old daughter. He's just beautiful inside and out. When its time for business he's all stallion. The rest of the time he's a big marshmallow. Here is a picture of him after his bath and just before the winter woolies set in. Poor thing doesn't know he's in Florida now. He does NOT need that Colorado coat anymore.

:aktion033: :lol:

I think I have 27 favorite horses. I love each of them for something different it seems.

Charmer is #1 for sure. He is a dream stallion - easy to work with,a dream to clip & a wonder to show.

Princess is #2 -- mainly because she is "min". We bought her & Charmer at 3 months old from Lowell & Marie Boone and they are "MY" team to drive & I love to drive either of them single.

Lacey- I love because she is an overo-- black & white & hubby bought her for me for an anniversary gift one year.

The babies I love because they are as wonderful as I hoped & planned them to be.

E.T is a doll - he was our first Shetland- black & white-- gorgeous to look at in the show ring & a dream to work with.

McGuyver is our first Seth Thomas stallion-- soo lovely!!

ANd so on & on -- I can give you a reason for each of them to be my favorite.

It sure makes it difficult when you are trying to decide who to part with or sell. LOL
I'm very fond of my little group of 7 that I have now. Sadly I am parting with some due to not enough time. Two of my favorites are:


C Spots Justin Falabella

This guy really gives it his all in what he does. Great personality, lots of presence and a sweet heart


C Spots Calista Falabella

This filly is just sweet as can be and lovely to look at. Just the type of mini I've been aiming to raise. Calista's sire is the famous Dee's Johnny Cash- his last foal before retirement.

I owned the sires and dams of these two, bred the sires and dams to produce these babies, was present at thier birth and in Justin's case helped bring into the world his first baby.

Oh my gosh, I really can't say I have a favorite..... I love all of mine dearly, and for different reasons. Sweet and kind Melody, bold and beautiful Solitaire, my lovely Nutmeg that I raised who has wonderful floating movement but is also my buddy, Dream with her cute little face and Renegade with his wild color and funny clown personality.

Guess it would have to be Omega........ He is the shortest horse on the farm now but he is the one the granddaughters love to ride. He tolerates the rides & pat pats so well. I could have sold him more than once but I have to get a replacement for the grand kids first.
I'd have to say mine is Midnight hands down! The level of trust we share is so deep. I believe he would jump over the moon if I asked him to.



If I had to place one next, I'd have to pick Joy. Now Joy doesn't usually bring home as many ribbons as Nitro, nor does she trust me like Midnight, but she is a real character. She has her quirks and used to balk all the time
: ...But Joy does give 100% of her heart and really is funny. She has a face that every one loves.


Great Post :saludando:
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Sonya, it breaks my heart to hear that you had to give up your Perseus, and I think he is absolutely beautiful...his heart shows through his eyes...
: He sounds soooo much like my favorite, Long Shots Little Maximoto, (Shooter) who is out of my favorite mare, Blue Ridge Ivy. (Buffie)

My husband says it is a good thing that Shooter goes to the shows with me, because he doesn't think he'd eat unless I was home.
: An exaggeration, yes; but he certainly does know his special place in my heart... Like Sonya's Perseus, He gets very jealous of the others when I pay attention to them and will push his way between me and them, even so much as absolutely ignoring my husband if I am there. He and his Dam are the only ones that I will allow to "groom-back", knowing that neither one would ever so much as harm a hair on my body.

No way I can pick one, as I have favorites for different things and I don't think I would honestly say this "one" is my favorite (though I whisper to them all "you" are my favorite)

I have a some that are my favorite to show as they just enjoy it so much and really try to me and are just easy to show, as they do it theirselves because they want to please - Erica's I've Got Angel Eyes, Erica's Cloverbud, Erica's RFM Spring Thunder, Erica's Knock Your Socks Off (these are mostly "my girls")

Then I have two girls who are just plain spoiled rotten, they talk to me when they see me, get down right jealous of me and other horses, they get very catty to the other horses if I am around, and I can't help but love their little diva personalities - Erica's Cloverbud, Erica's Knock Your Socks Off

Then I have a colt whom I call loverboy, as he hadn't been messed with, just out in pasture when I got him and I swear he just loves me, and I just adore him, he is a big momma's boy, and just has this sweet look in his eyes and wants to be with me, follows me around, gives the best hugs - JSW Royale Deed

Then I have Little Kings Big City Bucks who don't care what you do as long as you are paying him some kind of attention, have a hand on him or talking to him and it makes him happy.

Then Cross Country Take My Breath Away, who is "mom's boy", don't care if anyone else does anything with him, he don't have it - but allows me to do as I please, he gives me kisses, hugs and loves on me as well.

Then I have an old broodmare who I have a special bond with, got her at a auction/dispersal and she wasn't in the best shape, or had much love/attention. But I just love her and we share a special bond, been through some times with her, she is just the best mom ever and loves her babies - she is 21 going on 22 and just a special girl - Cross Country Lil Bacon Bits

Then I have WallStreet Jesse James who is a big moms boy......and Erica's Echos of My Destiny, who claims to be a big stud when everyone is watching, but behind the barn doors is a little stinker and also a big mom's boy

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