What's my favorite line I heard on "Law and Order: SVU" once? "He doesn't just have issues, he has a subscription!"
Sounds like a lot of us here.
The funny thing is that since we all think our behaviors are justified and normal, it's hard to think of our own idiosyncracies sometimes. I bet my family could give you a list a mile long about me
but I'm having trouble coming up with them.
Marty said:
I cannot have different types of food on my plate touching each other. Anything drippy needs it's own plate on the side.
Oh, ditto, that would be one! I can't stand bread that gets soggy from sitting in meat juice. I don't mind sopping up the juice with bread but it has to be eaten immediately before it gets soggy. I was TERRIBLE about food not touching when I was a kid! I'd throw a tantrum if anything was "contaminated" and had to spend 15 minutes separating everything sufficiently with a fork before I'd eat it.
I have a right sock and a left sock and they must go on the correct foot. They may not COME with "sides," but they have them after the first wearing and from then on it's fixed!
I cannot read and listen to something at the same time. I figure I have one language input channel and having words coming in one way will block them coming in another!
I can listen to two people at once, but can't
see words and
hear them at the same time without problems.
Typos drive me crazy. If I see one on a post I made months before, I feel a compulsion to go back and fix it. The only thing that keeps me from writing to the publishers of my favorite books to complain about errors is the fact that my sense of procrastination is stronger than my sense of outrage.
I'm extremely controlling when it comes to my spaces and doing things my way. If I pack the trailer, gosh forbid someone else should touch anything in it because then I might not know where something is when I need it!
Don't touch my room, my place at the table, my trailer, my feedroom...it drives me crazy when people try to "help" because it takes me twice as long to redo things the way I wanted them done in the first place. Yes, I know. I need help of the psychiatric variety!
I'm the worst about it when I'm trying to take on big tasks by myself because the only way I can handle them is to be hyper-organized, but I know I'm still guilty of it on the small stuff too although I'm getting better about it there.
It drives me insane when Dad scoops the beetpulp and doesn't clean the scoop afterwards. By the time I come out for the next feeding it's glued to the scoop and takes a Brillo pad to remove.
I can't stand a mess. If someone puts the cap of the canola oil on the horse's arthritis med container and leaves an oily ring I'll fume for twenty minutes. Don't they know that oil doesn't wipe off cleanly and I'll get oily fingers
every time I touch that container for the next week?! :arg! I will do anything to keep oil from making a mess.
When using the blower on the horses I wear a large raincoat, a wool cap with my hair stuffed up under it and a hospital face mask. I hate that last item but noticed my chin was breaking out the next day every single time and decided it was easier to keep the dirt from getting blown into my pores in the first place. The rest of it is just trying to keep myself clean!
I still keep handwritten to-do lists and calendars because I refuse to become entirely digital. Much though I love technology, I want to keep my penmanship nice and that requires actually using it every now and then!
I'm on a roll, bet I could get a bunch more of these now but I'll stop before I scare you all.
The only one left I'll share is that I'm the opposite of most you ladies- I REFUSE to pee before bed unless I really need to because I figure holding it all night is how I keep my bladder strong!