Aspiring Cowgirl
I looked at the stats of this forum and when facebook took off in popularity, it was clear the forums here started to slow down.. I am also not a fan of facebook because I do not have much time to play on it.. The LB web site and Forums were integrated into Facebook for business reasons and getting new people interested into Miniature Horses..
Oh see, I'd have clicked the LIKE botton for your post there, ML (teasing you a bit)

I don't know how other members like to use their FB accounts, but one "handy" thing people can do if they like is share a thread from LB over to their FB pages. I've done that with a few, and I'm sure as time goes on, will do so again. I thought it would be a good way to maybe remind people who used to spend more time here that it's still a great place to be an active part of!
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