Sorry to keep posting about this on here but I can find very little information about this online.
My 26" yearling who I have been told by a reputable breeder is a minimal dwarf.
When she was about 8 months old she started periodically making this raspy / gargely
breathing noise, but she only did it sometimes.
As she has gotten older and heavier it has gotten a lot worse. The other day I could hear
her from over 10 ft away. It still comes and goes, and I am trying to figure out what triggers it
to get bad. There is no cough but I noticed yesterday she has a milky/creamy discharge in her
nose but it is minimal, just another cause for concern.
My vet told me her soft palate is partially covering her trachea and there is nothing he can do
but that she will be just fine if I keep her fit and dont let her get too heavy and desensitize her
so she does not get stressed easily. He said IF she gets rhino or flu she is at a lot more risk but otherwise it is fine.
That sounds wonderful BUT it is contrary to everything I have read and heard about this
medical problem in dwarfs. It seems most of them get so bad they get put down by the
time they are 2 or 3.
I am concerned because my vet is a large equine/cow vet and admits he does not have much experience with mini's. I trust his opinion on some stuff but when it comes to stuff specific to mini's I wonder sometimes. I live in an area where there are not many mini's so finding a vet within a couple hundred miles that specializes in minis is very tough.
Any advice or information, or just relaying a story that you know of would be helpful.
Also is this problem specific to dwarfs or can normal mini's get it aswell ?
My 26" yearling who I have been told by a reputable breeder is a minimal dwarf.
When she was about 8 months old she started periodically making this raspy / gargely
breathing noise, but she only did it sometimes.
As she has gotten older and heavier it has gotten a lot worse. The other day I could hear
her from over 10 ft away. It still comes and goes, and I am trying to figure out what triggers it
to get bad. There is no cough but I noticed yesterday she has a milky/creamy discharge in her
nose but it is minimal, just another cause for concern.
My vet told me her soft palate is partially covering her trachea and there is nothing he can do
but that she will be just fine if I keep her fit and dont let her get too heavy and desensitize her
so she does not get stressed easily. He said IF she gets rhino or flu she is at a lot more risk but otherwise it is fine.
That sounds wonderful BUT it is contrary to everything I have read and heard about this
medical problem in dwarfs. It seems most of them get so bad they get put down by the
time they are 2 or 3.
I am concerned because my vet is a large equine/cow vet and admits he does not have much experience with mini's. I trust his opinion on some stuff but when it comes to stuff specific to mini's I wonder sometimes. I live in an area where there are not many mini's so finding a vet within a couple hundred miles that specializes in minis is very tough.
Any advice or information, or just relaying a story that you know of would be helpful.
Also is this problem specific to dwarfs or can normal mini's get it aswell ?