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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2012
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I am freaked out! I havent heard of this diesese, so i looked it up, and it matches Jazzy!!! Im about to cry :'(

This is how i think he might have it

Thick coat, especially on his back, but its always been thick in summer and winter, even when shaved it grows back in 2 weeks

Exceccive drinking (compared to my other boys)

Excessive peeing, he's a super peer


His coat isnt wavy

He hasnt lost muscle mass (that ive seen)

I dont exactly know how much he drinks or how many gallons our bucket contains

I think his pot belly is just fatness

I will post pics today, my computer is acting stupid at the moment

Am I over-reacting or is this something to be concerned about!!! I love this boy, cant imagine what id do if something bad is going to happen :'((
There is a test for cushings. Management on pergolide is not too costly if he has cushings. Most importantly would be to discuss with your vet to see if he has cushings so if he does you can begin treatment. Not treating can cause problems such as founder. Best wishes. Many horses ponies and minis do just fine on pergolide daily...comes in pellet form.
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Don't panic, but get the facts. One really great resource is this website It is owned by a veterinarian with a special interest in this area, and is cutting edge when it comes to the most up to date and well documented and researched information.

I have a mini mare, one of my retired broodmares, who we diagnosed 7 years ago as Cushings and Insulin Resistant. She is managing very nicely and feeling great.

Take a breath. You can do this.

My riding mare was tested for cushings even though she didn't have the shaggy coat. She was bloated from her feed and too much hay. She also foundered and had to be put down. The important thing to do is have your vet do a blood test. I really do hope for the best. My mare wouldn't take pergolide after awhile and refused it no matter how we disguised it. How long have you had Jazzy? The woman I bought the horse from knew about the founder but didn't pass on the info, otherwise her diet would have been different. Good luck.
Before you get freaked out, have your vet out to examine and run some tests.

Pictures are not going to be as helpful as the diagnostic tests a vet could run, plus we can't prescribe any help either...

Wishing the best!
As to the drinking and peeing, what's his current diet? Including all feeds and supplements.

I'd also look into IR.

I have a Cushings gelding, he's only 12 years old; before diagnosis and meds he had all sorts of health issues, the problem now is getting his weight right, as he does have some muscle wasting. Luckily, no laminitis.

Before his diagnosis, he was on the wrong diet for a cushings horse, and for him it caused excessive drinking and thus peeing. After the vet visit, but before confirmation of problem, I started changing his diet, and saw an almost immediate improvement in the drinking and peeing issue.
After my experience with our hard keeper, I'm a firm believer in not playing "the guessing game" when it comes to stuff like this. Call the vet out and get a blood sample pulled so testing can be done with definitive answers. We spent a fortune on all kinds of things trying to figure out her issues, including wondering whether Cushings was in the mix (it wasn't). I'm now a proponent of going straight to what's likely to get you the right answers so you can take the appropriate next steps.
Bailey, I highly doubt Jazz has cushings. he is two years old . If you are that worried then get a blood test. If you want to see a cushings horse then stop by and look at my 21 year old cushings mare. A perfexct example of cushings. I am sure he is getting a thick winter coat right now as most of mine are.. I have horses that drink a lot of water and they do not have cushings.
At 2 years old, Cushings is doubtful; but IR is still a possibilty (fairly easy to manage with proper diet).

The excessive drinking and peeing can still be diet related. Or, if bored and free access to salt, he might be playing with the salt block (or even loose salt), and thus consuming more than needed, so drinking and peeing more to get rid of it.

And, as just a two year old, some take a few years to have normal coat growth patterns. I have a 7 year old mare, and this is the first year she hasn't been way fuzzier than the others even in summer.
My gelding was drinking 12 gallons of water daily as a 100 pound Shetland weanling. I was worried since it was not normal!

My vet ran a couple simultaneous blood/urine tests and we determined that he was just bored or maybe a "water cribber" of sorts. No organ or IR or other issues.

I've rationed his water since six months of age to an appropriate amount and he's now five, no colic or anything... He is healthier and my shavings bill is a lot less. But I can't advise rationing water on a horse that may have a genuine health issue of some sort.

My vet said that excessive urination isn't really a good thing over time, as they can actually start getting deficient in things they lose over time. Knew one gelding that peed excessively, he lost too much potassium, so he was on an easy supplement of human "lite salt" to replace it since water rationing wasn't possible.

But in the end, these blood and/or urine tests are going to tell you what's going on with the individual, so you know what direction to take.
Bailey, I highly doubt Jazz has cushings. he is two years old . If you are that worried then get a blood test. If you want to see a cushings horse then stop by and look at my 21 year old cushings mare. A perfexct example of cushings. I am sure he is getting a thick winter coat right now as most of mine are.. I have horses that drink a lot of water and they do not have cushings.
Okay....Thank you! I think you know him more than i do ;) We are going to the vet monday for annual things, i can ask him about it i guess.........I feel relieved now!

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