Does this scare anyone else?

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Ok first off I could be wrong but it is my understanding the DNA issue for 2007 will apply to only ASPC horses.

Again I could be wrong that is how I understood it.

As far as the DNA from AMHA counting towards AMHR.. it shouldnt IMO although I do realize that means some horses would be done twice but bottom line is they are 2 different registries that dont nor havent shared paperwork or info of any kind. I certainly wouldnt expect them to nor want them to now.

I have money issues like many of us however before everyone gets worked up into a panic I would suggest talking to your area director to find out what the rule truly is and if it even applies to minis in 2007.
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Think about really could be a financial burden....for example, if you have 10 AMHR horses & say it costs about $35 to DNA, and IF all had to be done at one time..........that's $350 just to keep horses registered that were ALREADY registered.........again.............a burden to many. What if you have 20 horses? Nightmare! Unless, of course, money is no object. (and it is for most people) I dunno why I keep going back to this topic. :517: Oops...........just had a thot.......what about horses that are deceased but their offspring are out there???
First off, I very much doubt that AMHR will require ALL horses to be DNA'd. Those already registered won't need to be DNA'd unless they are being used for breeding. If you don't DNA your gelding or your show filly, you aren't going to lose your papers. If you have a horse whose sire & dam are deceased, it isn't going to matter, provided that horse is already registered. If you want to use that horse for breeding, you DNA him/her & go from there. You just won't be able to PQ that horse. I do hope that when they start DNA that they will automatically do PQ on all that can be PQ'd, not have it as an optional thing like AMHA did.
I haven't seen anything anywhere that mentions AMHR horses needing to be DNA'd in 2007. They're starting out with the photos in '07, and I would expect that DNA will follow, just not in '07. For me DNA won't be a huge hardship--I won't be raising more than a couple foals a year, so can DNA horses as needed--the stallion, 2 mares & 2 foals the first year, an extra mare & foal or two each year after that. For people raising 35 or 40 foals a year it will no doubt be a major hit in the wallet the first year.

As to Kay's original post, I don't necessarily see the new AMHR requirements causing a bunch of breeders to get out of breeding and dump their horses on the market. What I see happening is there will be more grade horses being sold, and worse--more foals being sold "on application". The buyer will be responsible for paying for the DNA and registration. The unfortunate thing there is that there will also be more buyers getting stung when they go to register their new foal only to discover that their application is worthless because the foal's sire and/or dam hasn't been DNA'd. There are enough buyers having problems already because of paperwork that hasn't been kept up to date by some breeders & this will only make it worse. That's not at all saying that I am not in favor of AMHR requiring photos and DNA, it's just that that's what I see happening.
Personally, I feel that it is a good thing that AMHR is going to pictures and DNA. That's why I have always preferred AMHA as they required pictures etc. and I felt is was harder to "fudge" papers this way. I know "where there's a will, there's a way" to get around things but it makes it that much harder for the cheaters of paperwork. I'm glad to see AMHR going to do this as that will help to bring the market up once some of these farms disperse that won't go by the rules. JMO
:aktion033: YAY!!! WOOHOO!!! That is GREAT news for AMHR! It is well past time they stepped up to the present, to assure a better future! I had not heard of this until your post here. Do you have more details?

I agree 100% it is about time, mine are all AMHA /AMHR wouldn't have it any other way.

Not hard to DNA them. We always had to with our Registered Paso Finos. :new_shocked: that their was a registry that did not DNA. Never could understand why it was not being done.

I agree hope this helps clean up their registry.

My hubby perdicted this would happen about 2 years ago! Everyone said no way (never.)

:new_multi: :new_multi: :new_multi:
i think im still being misquoted. these new rules i feel sure only apply to NEW registrations. Then people will have the OPTION of sending pics for horses already registered. Like i said i cant find my journal and my daughter is here from out of town so not much time
dont panic!! Dna im sure will be phased in somehow. i feel sure they arent going to make people go and redo entire herds that would just be crazy
I know the people Kay is referring to and I bet she is right. I drove by one of them today and she is letting two stallions run with all of the mares. She said before that she goes by what the foal looks like when she does registrations. She has what looks to me like a dwarf from this spring and you can bet your sweet bippy she will sell it as breedable!

I spoke to the other on the phone not long ago and he says he is getting rid of all the minis and just keeping his mini donkies. We saw what his miniature donkies look like and they were as bad as his minis if not worse than some. There is no way these people will do the appropriate paper work.

I dont think that AMHR is going to require DNA on horses already papered. Remember when AMHA was going to do that, there was advance notice that horses born AFTER a certain date would be required to DNA. It wasn't like you had to go back and do your entire herd of already registered stock.

I agree with sending in pics- I think it makes ID much easier!!

If the 'pet breeders' choose not to do this, I dont think they will continue to run herds of 100 horses as the money are get for unregistered stock probably isnt going to be worth while to even support a herd like that. Perhaps this may be a way to cull out the 'not so great quality' that are out there being bred??

I am not thrilled about having to DNA twice with 2 different registries though.....
I am concerned with some replies referencing "pet mini breeder flooding the market". Our apologies if that happens! DNA and photo procedure is debatable for many reasons, pros and cons. But, I hope there was no insult intended for those who do breed for pets.

I have taken pet quality animals (perhaps not mini) to many a show and kicked butt, yup and you guessed it, on occasion I have bred a "pet" quality animal with very positive results, in this case dogs, a couple of which have gone on to become invaluable guide dogs to a some very wonderful families!

Please lets not make the issue about quality minis vs pet minis.
Okay, I just looked up my Journal again, & it looks like the DNA requirement for SPCA ponies is still very limited--starting Jan. 1/2007 all ponies must be registered by Dec. 31st of their yearling year. Ponies can be registered in their 2 or 3 year old year provided the pony and its sire & dam are all DNA'd. So, all new registrations do not need to be DNA'd--only those that are being registered as 2 or 3 year olds. That is very limited.

So, if AMHR follows the same path, full DNA testing is still a long ways down the road?
Just got an email back from Zona from AMHR

emailed reads :

: Photo will be required January 1, 2007. DNA is not required for miniature horses.

thanks for clarifying. I have heard many that were at convention though say that dna for minis is also coming but i suppose it will be a couple years. I am glad that they are at least starting with pic

kdbj sorry for the reference to "pet breeders" I dont know what to call it?? Maybe i should just say irresponsible breeders. The ones that throw several stallions in with a herd of mares and guess who the sire is. The ones that sell horses with papers not done to unsuspecting buyers
I think Kay, you are right that it will cause an upset in the short term. But it will be good in the long term, although it will be more paperwork and fees for all of us.

Okay, I just looked up my Journal again, & it looks like the DNA requirement for SPCA ponies is still very limited--starting Jan. 1/2007 all ponies must be registered by Dec. 31st of their yearling year. Ponies can be registered in their 2 or 3 year old year provided the pony and its sire & dam are all DNA'd. So, all new registrations do not need to be DNA'd--only those that are being registered as 2 or 3 year olds. That is very limited.

So, if AMHR follows the same path, full DNA testing is still a long ways down the road?
Thanks Minimor that is what I said earlier in the post I thought it was only Ponies at this point.
DNA is not required for miniature horses
Hmmm... I wonder WHY????
I am GUESSING I dont know but would think they are going to implement this program slowly to be able to work out any kinks see what mistakes they are making and try and fix them with one group at a time?????

I dont know only logical thing I can come up with anyway
I know the people Kay is referring to and I bet she is right. I drove by one of them today and she is letting two stallions run with all of the mares. She said before that she goes by what the foal looks like when she does registrations. She has what looks to me like a dwarf from this spring and you can bet your sweet bippy she will sell it as breedable!

I spoke to the other on the phone not long ago and he says he is getting rid of all the minis and just keeping his mini donkies. We saw what his miniature donkies look like and they were as bad as his minis if not worse than some. There is no way these people will do the appropriate paper work.

I'm not quite sure if I'm reading this correctly or not, and please forgive me if I'm taking it wrong. BUT, the type of breeder refered to above NEEDS TO BE OUT OF THE BUSINESS. There is absolutely no value to the registration of these horses. What good are papers if you guess who the parents are?

If these type of people were to disperse their herds without papers, I don't see it as any great threat to the breed or market. People who are interested in buying these type of horses are not going to be buying quality Minis anyway.

I don't see huge dispersals as a result. I do see some breeders simply selling unregistered animals. I see how it might have a sleight impact on the market, but not a major one. JMO.

I say, "Bring on the DNA. Bring on the PQ. Just let us use the same test for both registries."

Better yet, merge the two registries together into one. Not going to happen, but we can wish.
I did not read all this thread but I am very happy if AMHR does DNA & pictures..

But I also know MANY people left AMHA because they did not like doing all the paperwork involved (DNA & pictures)..

NOW WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO???? Start a new registry? Sell Minis without papers? Quit breeding?? This will be very interesting.. indeed..
I am GLAD that AMHR is finally coming out of the dark ages & requiring photos!
: And when they DO decide to DNA....I don't see why we couldn't use the same DNA results that we got from AMHA (or vice versa) The DNA paperwork that I have for my minis doesn't mention anything about AMHA on it. It doesn't even list an AMHA # for the horse.

It simply lists the name of the place who does the DNA (Veterinary Genetics Laboratory, School of Veternary Medicine, University of California) Then it says' "EQUINE GENETIC MARKER REPORT".

Then it goes on to list the name of the horse, what breed, sex, color, year of birth, sire & dam, etc....and then the DNA results.

This is a very "generic" report of DNA on a Miniature horse....has nothing to do with AMHA on it. I would expect any that we ordered thru AMHR (once they require it) would be the same & could be used for AMHA as well. At least....I don't see why not. I know I would be very upset if we couldn't do it that way.
My breeding horses are all double registered and most of them are PQ'd. So I'm happy to see that AMHR is finally putting a little "meat" into the meaning of their registry.

My complaint is that there are TWO registries. What a lot of nonsense going through double registrations all the time. If they could only get their acts together and merge, and let the ASPA become a separate entity, I think it would save all of us a LOT of time, money, and confusion.
I am GLAD that AMHR is finally coming out of the dark ages & requiring photos!
: And when they DO decide to DNA....I don't see why we couldn't use the same DNA results that we got from AMHA (or vice versa) The DNA paperwork that I have for my minis doesn't mention anything about AMHA on it. It doesn't even list an AMHA # for the horse.

It simply lists the name of the place who does the DNA (Veterinary Genetics Laboratory, School of Veternary Medicine, University of California) Then it says' "EQUINE GENETIC MARKER REPORT".

Then it goes on to list the name of the horse, what breed, sex, color, year of birth, sire & dam, etc....and then the DNA results.

This is a very "generic" report of DNA on a Miniature horse....has nothing to do with AMHA on it. I would expect any that we ordered thru AMHR (once they require it) would be the same & could be used for AMHA as well. At least....I don't see why not. I know I would be very upset if we couldn't do it that way.
I just got a DNA kit from AMHA in the mail yesterday for the mare I recently purchased and I wanted to DNA her so I can PQ her foals. Anyway, I was quite sure I had seen somewhere that stated it was the property of AMHA, and sure enough, I was right. Here is a copy...

Well, that stinks. Don't know what the reasoning is behind that either. If you pay for something, shouldn't it be Yours? Especially if it can be used in other ways? Sorry, just doesn't make sense to me. Wouldn't be the first time I didn't get something.

And I did go back & read Feb. & April Journals. DNA not applying to miniatures. But photos are next year. So, we're all getting worked up way ahead of time............oh well, needed to get the blood flowing this a.m. & yesterday a.m.

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