Does this scare anyone else?

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okay i have a question. I have dna'd a couple horses for amha but i never got anything from the lab or amha. Was i supposed to?? I thought it was odd that I had to pay the fee but never got anything. I did get the papers back from amha with dna'd on them and brought perm.

I did look at the amhr site and it doesnt list last years board meeting minutes (only has 2003 on there which i think is odd lol) Anyone here that went to the meeting?? The people i know that went said pics were the first step and then dna was going to follow but didnt know when.

I *think* what AMHA means on the "DNA Samples are the property of AMHA" is that the hair and/or blood sample becomes the property of AMHA, not the results.
Kay I asked my area director and at this point there isnt a date for DNA to start with the minis there is a firm date to start in 2007 with the ponies.
Thanks Sheryl....I bet you are absolutely correct! I never looked at it that way!! Thanks for bringing that to my attention!! :aktion033:
Okay, I just looked up my Journal again, & it looks like the DNA requirement for SPCA ponies is still very limited--starting Jan. 1/2007 all ponies must be registered by Dec. 31st of their yearling year. Ponies can be registered in their 2 or 3 year old year provided the pony and its sire & dam are all DNA'd. So, all new registrations do not need to be DNA'd--only those that are being registered as 2 or 3 year olds. That is very limited.

So, if AMHR follows the same path, full DNA testing is still a long ways down the road?
I wouldn't expect to start DNA so soon- few years? Usually we get some notice from the registries when big changes like that are coming up. If I remember correctly when we do DNA with AMHA it states that the results are thiers- am I incorrect? I doubt AMHA would "share" that info so that we wouldn't have to do that again with AMHR. BUT I don't think this is an issue for now with our minis... I think it's a way down the road.

I wouldn't mind starting with photos though in 2007.

i never got anything from the lab when i have dna'd?? should i call them? it did seem odd at the time but i thought that was just the way it went

i do think dna is a couple years off but remember there wasnt much notice given when hardshipping closed to anything but amha horses

Pictures are a done deal. they ARE starting jan 2007 on all NEW registrations.
I certainly agree that it is about time AMHR instituted better ID practices for horses it registers! I also think that DNAing should be done in AMHR, but I don't see it happening soon, because I believe AMHR is VERY afraid of losing the registration income from the same kind of lazy, breeding-only-for-the-money folks who left the AMHA when it had the audacity to institute some up-to-date procedures...and that those same kind of people WON'T, in large measure, quit breeding, but WILL simply sell unregistered-or as already noted, 'on application', and without revealing what that may entail. This is already happening, as everyone knows--but it might indeed become even more prevalent, if/when stricter registration procedures are instituted.

On the subject of the DNA results-though I very much agree that it SHOULD be possible to utilize ONE testing for BOTH registries-as things are now, I do not think that is possible. I believe that the statement claiming ownership by AMHA of the 'DNA results' is actually related to the fact that when the DNA program was first instituted, a horse could NOT be PQ'd without the permission of the owners of the pertinent sires/dams-in other words, even if the sire/dam had been DNA'd, an offspring couldn't be PQ'd without the permission of the OWNER(s) of the SIRE/DAM. Reason, IMO? That often, the DNA's very possibly would NOT match, due to 'fast and loose' breeding practices of all sorts! Then, braver, AMHA instituted the rule that the 'results' belong to THEM, not to the horses' owners, so AMHA WOULDN'T NEED the sire/dam owners' permission to PQ offspring. The problem with using the AMHA DNA results(sent to the owner by the testing lab for AMHA, UCDavis)-for AMHR, is that there is NO solidly reliable way to verify that these are the DNA results for the SAME horse as the one being submitted for AMHR! MANY horses have different registered names in AMHA vs. AMHR-and a name is really no "ID" at ALL. Even the other info-breed,age, sex, color,birth year, sire and dam(remember, this will be under their AMHA designation!), is not REALLY 'proof' that this is one and the same horse. See where this is going(or, NOT going?) Seems to me what's needed is a provision to submit COMPLETE information, including current photos, if necessary,to correctly and verifiably identify an individual horse, to perhaps a 'clearing house' agency(OR, heaven forbid, for the two valid North American miniature horse registries to actually COOPERATE!!, and agree how to 'split' the fee), so that DNA results can be prepared and supplied to BOTH registries(along with the horse's owner) by the testing lab. Surely seems 'doable' to me! Unfortunately, I don't see it being possible under the current arrangement to use the AMHA DNA results one may already have,but I do believe it would be possible to work out a way to do so in future.(In my own case--I only own two-both double-registered, breeding age mares-who are DNA'd AND will be PQ'd-just did pull and mail the hair on the second one, who goes AMHA Perm. this year. I see no need to DNA/PQ the geldings I raised/bought, nor my 24 yr. old matriarch-nor will I do so until I am either going to sell a horse with breeding potential, OR they have reached breeding maturity/potential and are to remain in my ownership.

That may be true and this may mean a lot of "lazy" or "sloppy" breeders won't get out of breeding but will instead breed grade miniatures.

HOWEVER, in my opinion, boy is that a hard way to try and turn a dime. You're talking about an 11 month pregnancy and 4 months nursing time all to make a few hundred???

I would not advocate this (though I do own purebred dogs), but you could "make" a lot more money raising one litter of puppies a year vs. one grade mini a year.

Anyway, I stick by my feeling that requiring photos and DNA are a step forward and good.
The problem with using the AMHA DNA results(sent to the owner by the testing lab for AMHA, UCDavis)-for AMHR, is that there is NO solidly reliable way to verify that these are the DNA results for the SAME horse as the one being submitted for AMHR! MANY horses have different registered names in AMHA vs. AMHR-and a name is really no "ID" at ALL. Even the other info-breed,age, sex, color,birth year, sire and dam(remember, this will be under their AMHA designation!), is not REALLY 'proof' that this is one and the same horse. See where this is going(or, NOT going?) Seems to me what's needed is a provision to submit COMPLETE information, including current photos, if necessary,to correctly and verifiably identify an individual horse, to perhaps a 'clearing house' agency(OR, heaven forbid, for the two valid North American miniature horse registries to actually COOPERATE!!, and agree how to 'split' the fee), so that DNA results can be prepared and supplied to BOTH registries(along with the horse's owner) by the testing lab. Surely seems 'doable' to me! Unfortunately, I don't see it being possible under the current arrangement to use the AMHA DNA results one may already have,but I do believe it would be possible to work out a way to do so in future
Margo, I was thinking the same thing, that it could be kind of a nightmare for AMHR to try and match the AMHA name/horse/DNA results already filed with AMHA to the AMHR registration papers. It could be easy enough to have the results of new samples sent to both registries, but there could be difficulties in just switching over the existing ones. I wouldn't want to be the one figuring that all out anyway :new_shocked:

I would not advocate this (though I do own purebred dogs), but you could "make" a lot more money raising one litter of puppies a year vs. one grade mini a year.
You got that right; my stepmother raises Norwich terriers and gets something like $2200 per puppy. With 1 to 5 puppies in a litter, that's not bad. To me that seems like easy money, but of course Norwiches are a bit fussy to raise--there are plenty of puppy losses, just like Mini foal losses--so it's not quite as easy as it seems. Then again, comparing registered dogs to grade Minis isn't quite the same either. This topic we're discussing would be more comparable to having a female dog you don't want to put out the money to get her spayed, then when she has puppies by the neighbor's mutt you manage to sell them for $50 or $25--why pay $200 to the vet for spaying when you can get $300 twice a year for the puppies?? Some people just like having the Minis and raising foals. They figure it takes $300 or less per year to keep a mare, therefore if you sell the foals unregistered for $300 to $500 even if you don't make much off of it, it's at least paying to keep the horses. No point in just having a few horses, you have to raise & sell foals, even for $300 each without papers, just to pay for the horses' keep. I don't look at it that way, but there are those that do.
:aktion033: Thanks KayKay for posting on this topic. (By the way you didn't offend) I too am concerned about the irresponsiblity with some breeders. Perhaps the move towards pics, followed by DNA in the future, will improve the mini industry.

Great topic, very educational!
It's wonderful AMHR is finally going to require photos. Hopefully the DNA testing won't be far behind.

I did speak with someone in the office about DNA testing (I don't want to get double dinged for that!), and I was told that if I sent in the report for the DNA/PQ along with the original AMHR papers, they would add the DNA/PQ information to their registration. I'm going to verify this is true and start sending in paperwork this summer for those that are already Permanent. I'll send them back for adding the photo's when that becomes available too.

I'm sure it would be a headache for AMHR to reference all the AMHA paperwork - but I'd rather send them lots of copies then get dinged and additional $41 per horse for a new DNA test for each of our minis!

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