Well-Known Member

Is Sterling gone too??
Oh, I am in tears. I would be devastated.
I am SO SORRY for you.
In spite of the fact that we have four full sized donkeys, three miniature donkeys, ten llamas, and two mules, our dog problems have surfaced again. This time with tragic results while I was gone to the AMHA Convention in Florida. I was delivering some horses to Alabama and to Florida, so drove out, accompanied my my mother. The second day that we were travelling, Carol called to let me know that dogs had killed one of my very favorite mares, and Jesper's favorite that he begged to buy and take to Denmark:
Little America's Silver Flash (26" three-years old)
Then two nights later we had the worst attack. Neighbors across the street came rushing to the house at 1 A.M. saying that they heard a pack of dogs attacking our stud pasture and that they thought that there was a dead horse there. Carol and Lauren went to the pasture with flashlights after calling a couple of friends, who came quickly with guns. They found Bingo dead. After several hours in the dark they found Sterling, and when daylight came, they found our Orion daughter, Enchantment and her foal dead!
Little King's Bingo Buckeroo
Little America's Sterling Fantastic
Brewer's Orion Fantastic
In the past eight weeks we have lost eight horses, and I am almost certain that it is the same pack. Luckily, if there is such a thing at this point, we now have three people who have seen the dogs and can identify them. We are setting up a baited lot and have bought a deer stand to stand watch until they are all DEAD. They have excellent taste, having killed five of the mares that I would have kept if I sold down to only ten mares.
Little America's Silver Rosetta
Little America's Fantastic Rose
Lucky Four Shadowbuck Rebelrave
Bagpipe Flats Mary Queen of Spots
Out of desperation, Carol bought a couple of Anatolian cross dogs and a friend worked with them and insisted on letting them loose in the pasture. Two days later the pack hit again, this time injuring Xenon, True Colors, King Rapsody, Whirling Thunder, and severly damaging Traveller, but we are convinced if the Anatolians had not been there that they would have likely all been killed. When they found Traveller, the two dogs, which will not let humans near them, were with him. Unfortunately they ran off after Carol decided to remove the horses from the pasture, and so far we have been unable to find them. Traveller is still in ICU at the vets, but think that he may recover, even though most of his hind quarters are gone. They almost gelded Thunder, but vet thinks that he will recover and remain fertile.
True Colors being hand walked by on of the Thursday Kids. He had lacerations to the neck and legs and has a few staples holding them together.