Don't want to start an uproar.....but........

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Like was said in a post just a few before yours, the Hill product was pulled as a percaution, not because anything was found. The product doesn't come from Menu Foods.
Am I the only one that heard on TV that the original statement about the wheat gluten coming from China may not be the culprit, but that something from Canada could have been the culprit after all? Nothing definitive, just more conjecture? I don't think they have all the answers yet!
Am I the only one that heard on TV that the original statement about the wheat gluten coming from China may not be the culprit, but that something from Canada could have been the culprit after all? Nothing definitive, just more conjecture? I don't think they have all the answers yet!
No you're not the only one. I work in an upscale pet supply store / vet supply warehouse, and we've been reading everything we can get and I too read the article where the contamination occurred in Canada, and the FDA detected rat poison and melamine (sp) a product used in kitchen plastics . Nowhere in the articles I read was Chine mentioned, but I'm sure there's lots of misinformation out and about.
Just wanted to add something that goes back to the original intent of this post.

About a month ago, I had bought some grain, same I always buy and my horses would not touch it, well 16 out of 20 in the one barn anyway. It had a date and time stamp on it and I took it back and they notified the purina mill here locally and they had all stores pull that run.

Well, yesterday I bought my weekly grain and it had the same day stamp but a different time. I questioned it but the feed store said it was OK. Reluctantly I brought it home and guess what? No one would eat it.

I called the local mill this time rather than the store and talked directly to quality control, they replaced the product without question and explained that any grain on that day would be the same no matter what time was stamped on it.

Anyway to make a long story short, I brought this subject about the wheat gluten and contaminated food to him. His response was that all Purina Mills use local grains and that wheat gluten was not an ingredient in Purina feed. I assume that most grain mills use local grains rather than shipping it in as the mills are usually in agricultural areas.

I hope that this will make you feel a bit better about what you are feeding your horses. I know that most of us have dogs and cats but not having to worry about the pets in the barn makes it a little easier.
Thanks for that post Annette.........and Kuddos to you for going to the SOURCE.

Mary... its not wheat that is the problem.

Its a paticular supplier who had a contamination in their plant. That's it. Every problem goes to that one plant in China.

Horse feeds use local grains, they don't generally import their grains. They are manufactured locally and distributed. There is very little to worry about. Horse feeds are much fresher and much more local than the importated small animal foods.
Actually it doesn't go to a plant it goes to a distributor. And now the contaminent is in question. Two seperate labs have found two seperate toxins. I don't think it is a jump at all to worry it "could" be in livestock feed or in human food for that matter. The one contaminating agent is approved as rat poison in countries outside the US and used as a cancer treatment inside the US the other is a fertilizer/plastics proccessing residue.

Mills and proccessors tend to buy what they can get cheap keep costs down you keep prices down. And at this point they are still guessing Chinese imported wheat gluten is the current scapegoat but there is nothing conclusive at this point and may never be.

I think everyone should pay attention as it could be human food recalled next.



Mad Cow...


Toxic dog and cat food...

and so many more

Still think we should blindly trust big corporations?

Whether or not horse feeds use Chinese gluten, now and always we need to ask pertinent (or impertinent!) questions. Loyalty is great, so long as ot os retirmed. To be honest, I haven't seen too many big corps that are loyal to their customers.

Great post, Maryann!!

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