drooling cats?

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Whenever I pet my cats, their nose will get really wet and eventually they'll start drooling out of their mouth.Both of my cats do this, is it normal? I've never had a cat before who started drooling on me when being petted
I am so glad you asked. The same thing happens to our farm cats. We dont know why. I thought maybe they are missing a tooth? Or maybe it is the in thing and all the cats are doing it now
I know when my cat gets scared/nervous (like at the vets) he would drool profusely. But you are petting him/her so I'm sure they are not scared or nervous. Must be their way of saying "oh my, that feels good!"
I know when my cat gets scared/nervous (like at the vets) he would drool profusely. But you are petting him/her so I'm sure they are not scared or nervous. Must be their way of saying "oh my, that feels good!"

yes, it's almost as if they completely zone out
I have had 2 cats in my life that have done it when they purr.......the barn cat I have now does it so much, that it runs down his chin. He's such a goofbll. :DOH!
I think it is just normal for some, and nothing to worry about. JMO,

It seems to be hit or miss. We've had cats who don't drool at all- and then we have ones who do. Right now.... all three do. One of them is even so kind as to shake her head and fling drool everywhere, just to share!
And my mother finally quit saying she DIDN'T drool after she did that to HER!

Honestly, I hate being drooled on- but some of them you can just grab a towel and be fine. Others are like Miss Kitty, and they drool and fling it. I had one cat that was a real nutcase- he'd not only drool, he'd settle his teeth over your knuckle, finger, etc (anything, really). At first it wouldn't hurt, but little by little those teeth would settle and ow ow ow ow... all the while... drool.

Another cat I had had the weirdest behavior at first. I was cutting mats out of his belly fur, and he was laying there letting me... provided I let him suckle on MY FINGERS o.o Thank heavens that one didn't last...

Ugh. Drool.
Yes, some DO!!

We actually had one that I gave to my mother in law that we all called 'Spitty' because of this! He would get SO happy and purr so much, that it was like he would forget to swallow!! LOL

If they only do it when being petted and purring, it is ok. If though, the kitty is doing it while eating, or other times, I would have it checked out by your vet.
I have one male cat (and three females) and he drools constantly when he's REALLY happy. When you are cuddling him he will purr, do the scrinchy eyes thing and grab hold of one of your hands with both of his paws bring it to his mouth and lick and suck and drool all over them, and eventually he will start to give little love-nips. Its the cutest thing ever (minus the drooling lol)
One of our cats does this when he purrs. We talked to our vet about it and he said that it was just because he was excited and just drools... Our vet said that it was a normal thing that some cats do.
Yep, out of all the cats we have had growing up, we have one, Sox, and she is quite the drooler......just when you pet her and she LOVES, LOVES, LOVES it.....so then she starts drooling & leaves nice puddles and spots on your jeans........ it has never bothered me, but it does others....I just figured it was a sign of affection and contentment.
I didn't realize this was a normal thing LOL - we have a big male barn cat who is a drooler. He likes to lay across your shoulders (like a shawl
), or get right in your face.....and drool. Ugh.

yup, all 3 of my cats do, it jsut means there relaxed, at least thats what my mother says, (i trust her cuz she has 2 masters in animal sciences/husbanddry(sp))) if your really worried about go to a pet store near you, or ask your vet. but i would put to much stress on it!!

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