eagles ring farm
Well-Known Member
She's building more of an udder and elongated a bit more in vulva...maybe soon she's 331 days today
The Artwork on the stall wall is something I started in 2005 when our first foals were born
It has little picture frames for a picture of each foal little blocks spell fillies on one side with a pink bow on the carosel horse and Colts on the other side with a blue bow. I was so fun to make The blocks read Eagles Ring Foals
But after being frustrated trying to get the picture frames to stick with wood glue and enough birds pooped on it I finally took the pictures off except 1 that is still there don't know why. If we ever move I will redo it differently so as not to get all bird pooped on
It's painted on a piece of plywood and was so fun to do. Here is the only picture I can find of it from back in 2007
With just a couple foals on it, looks like 2 colts and 1 filly our first ones here
The Artwork on the stall wall is something I started in 2005 when our first foals were born
It has little picture frames for a picture of each foal little blocks spell fillies on one side with a pink bow on the carosel horse and Colts on the other side with a blue bow. I was so fun to make The blocks read Eagles Ring Foals
But after being frustrated trying to get the picture frames to stick with wood glue and enough birds pooped on it I finally took the pictures off except 1 that is still there don't know why. If we ever move I will redo it differently so as not to get all bird pooped on
It's painted on a piece of plywood and was so fun to do. Here is the only picture I can find of it from back in 2007
With just a couple foals on it, looks like 2 colts and 1 filly our first ones here

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