I am one class away from having my BS. I am already way in debt, almost at my loan limit for undergrad level, which is sad since the first 2 year were paid for. It racked up over the years when I took out extra to help us get by when needed. I really want to get my Masters degree, however at this point I dont see it as being an option. By the time I would be done I would be just over 100,000 in debit. There is no way I could get that paid off, I would be working just to pay my loans.
Im stuck and frusterated. I want to continue on, but dont see it as an option. Part of the issue stems from the fact that I dont have a job at this time and finding one hasnt been easy. That said the job world hasnt been so steady in the last two years and until the lawsuit over the last job is settled the job market for me isnt going to be easy.
Im stuck and frusterated. I want to continue on, but dont see it as an option. Part of the issue stems from the fact that I dont have a job at this time and finding one hasnt been easy. That said the job world hasnt been so steady in the last two years and until the lawsuit over the last job is settled the job market for me isnt going to be easy.