Ever have a "false NEGATIVE" with Weefoal?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2007
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Milton, New Hampshire
My mare looks pregnant and it's driving me nuts! I know, I know, it's no way to tell, but sheesh!! Nobody believes she's not pregnant! Just thought I'd ask!
Poor you, I know your pain! My mare grew again without fuzzy woolie hair she has a 52 inch tummy. Up from 43 in December with fuzzy hair. Joyce did you get my pm?
I would like to know if anyone had a false negative in blood work also...

Just an FYI, soon the instructions on the urine test will be revamped..there is alot that can 'go wrong' thus making the test results ambiguous, mostly operator error..testing too soon or too late ie outside the window of time the test will catch, using hot urine & a cold test, or test and urine too hot or too cold, flooding the well instead of one drop at a time, bacteria or mold in the urine if left out too long before use, leaving the test unrefrigerated if not used in a day or two etc. These only affect the false positives claim I'm told by the lab.

If there is no fetus there are no fetal hormones for the test to pick up...I'd be curious to know if your mare is pregant after getting a negative test result, your procedure for running the test and during what time frame in her pregnancy did you run it? Have you spoken with the distributor/office to see if a replacement test might be sent or if the one you used might have been old or corrupted somehow during shipping? I'm like you, when I test for a baby, I want to KNOW! lol
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qtrmoonfarm, to make a long story short, LOL, former owner gave me a breeding date of 10/28. I bought her in January. She's had 2 foals before. She was growing by leaps and bounds so I decided to test her on day 104 as I really thought she was much further along. That test came back Positive. I decided to test her again on day 146 and it came out negative. I do know what you mean about the sensitivity of these tests. I think they are a great invention and I love them! You are right about the new directions, they are needed for sure! Do you think I should buy another test and try again?? Here are a couple of pictures from day 154!



What to do think? Everybodys feedback is welcomed!!
HA! I think by seeing the pictures another test would NOT be needed, sure looks preggy to me! You should start being able to feel foal movement already or very soon! Give her some belly bouncing hugs. Keep us posted!
qtrmoonfarm, She's only supposed to be 5 months pregnant. Should I be able to feel movement already? If she is pregnant, this will be my first baby. Her due date is supposed to be Sept. 22nd.

Ok, I thought I'd update this thread. I did another weefoal on Saturday and it was negative! I swear she is getting bigger by the day. I only give her hay. I have a baby scale so I'm going to start weighting it, I don't know what else to do! I am giving her a "light flake" in the morning and the same at night. I bought her in January and she had been out with round bales of hay, 24/7. None of the other mares there were fat! I don't know why this one is so big? She is due to be wormed, May 1st. (2 months).

Does anybody have any diet tips? When I start weighting her hay, how much should I give her? I'm thinking I should weigh the approxamite amount I give her now, and cut it back more? Uggg!

Thanks for any help!

Well, I wonder about a false pregnancy. That would explain the weight gain (and not coming in heat) and the negative results on the Wee Foal. One of our mares had a false pregnancy last year - complete with bagging up and ALL the foaling signs - and I sure wish I had known about the Wee Foal then. Of course, I am not saying that is what it is, just that it is one possibility. But she sure does look pregnant to me.

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