Exercising with a golf cart

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Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Southwest Oklahoma
Who all uses a golf cart to exercise horses? What do I need to watch out for? Any specific way of tying that works better than others? The horse I plan to pony is very experienced at this; I have ponyed him for years behind the ez cart.

I rode in the back seat to monitor while husband drove to see what I thought about it.

Never thought the day would come when I would weaken to exercising with a golf cart instead of hand walking, but the day is here.
I think it is a great idea and from your other post on the other thread it sounds like DD will take right to it.

It did bring back a memory from my childhood. When I was a kid our neighbors had standardbred race horses and sometimes instead of jogging them in the cart for a workout, they would con us kids into sitting on the dropped tailgate of their pickup and hold a horse while they slowly drove around the track. It worked out pretty well.

Thankfully the horses were good natured, if they weren't we could've been pulled right off the back of the truck!
just watch that the horse cannot get in front of the golf cart --someone posted some time ago that they had that happen and the cart hit the horse. Result was a broken bone--shoulder, elbow? I cannot re ember the exact details but the outcome wasn't good.

I used a mobility scooter to exercise one pony this year--that worked well for me.
Don't tie the horse.

The best trained and experienced horses can still spook at something and either hurt themselves or whoever is in the cart.
We used to pile a few kids in the back of the Ranger and drive down the dirt roads between hay fields with 3 or 4 horses on leads to exercise them. We did tie one now and then if it was the only one going. Prob not the safest/smartest thing we ever did but, lucky for us, we never had any problems. We have a hot walker now.... with hammocks on it
If he is used to the ez cart then i dont think you will have any issues. If your husbands available to assist it would make it even safer. Plenty of Introduction to the golf cart will help.

I agree with Magic Marker Minis in not tying the horse to the cart. If he were to spook he could very well injure you both.

Highly recommend telling your husband hes required to assist for a while as you are all getting to know the cart.

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