Yes ! Yes! My gelding gets a swollen eye once in a while. If I see redness, he gets the OpconA. If it's swollen he gets Vetericyn and is better within a few hours. Great stuff. If there is a little pus, I rinse with the water hose in case it is a grass awn, then use the Vetericyn and a dose of banamine for swelling. It's always been cleared up the next day. The fly mask helps, too.My new favorite med - at least in the last couple of years - is Vetericyn. It's safe, non caustic and good for almost everything. They do make an opthalmic gel which is a little easier to apply, but I've sprayed the regular Vetericyn liquid directly in their eyes with good results. (I've used it on myself and in my eyes as well and I don't do that with just anything!).
That said, a vet is your first/best recourse but the Vetericyn should not hurt anything in the meantime.
I took him to an equine ophthamologist (sp?) a few years ago for a chronic swollen eye and the OpconA was the perscription, so I've used it ever since.