Failure of Passive Transfer ..

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Our little foal born on Wednesday night had a failure of Passive transfer..she had a Plasma transfer..

3 x300ml of dextro IV's and is on strong antibiotics..she is still listless and her temp is 101.5

Anybody dealt with this before..what are her chances of survival??

Any ideas how to stimulate her appetite or anything that might help her??
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Our little foal born on Wednesday night had a failure of Passive transfer..she had a Plasma transfer..

3 x300ml of dextro IV's and is on strong antibiotics..she is still listless and her temp is 101.5

Anybody dealt with this before..what are her chances of survival??

Any ideas how to stimulate her appetite or anything that might help her??

Bump..... :saludando:
I had a foal that had the plasma trasfer too. She bounced back. With no problems.

She didn't have any temperature though. If we hadn't had her tested we might not have known she had a problem.

If your horse isn't responding, I'd talk to the vet again. will come out in the am to remove the catheder..he left it in so we can give the IV's..

Just came in from checking on her..she seems waaay to tired..had trouble waking her..
Please be sure to be in touch with your vet about this. Sounds as though your foal may be septic. The vet may already know it, since your baby is on strong IV antibiotics.

Have you been feeding the foal mom's milk? Did the vet check the foal for the RH factor?

101.5 isn't a high temp for a foal. (Ask your vet - foals temps are higher than adults = 99.5-102.), we don't worry unless their temp is up over 102.5 or 103. I've given banamine under a vets instructions for high temps too.

If you have your foal on antibiotics I would be giving a probiotic for their stomach. This year we started all our foals on Foal Response, its a colostrum booster and provides probiotics to new foals.

The apetite would be a major concern for me though. The only foals we've had that weren't trying to nurse at least 1x or more an hour were gravely sick. We lost a colt to renal failure that stopped nursing but would drink water. Just a few weeks ago we had a filly with choke that had a temp of 103, and refused to nurse. Once the blockage was cleared her temp dropped to 101.4 and has been that since. She also immediately began nursing.

Foals that we've had here that seemed sleepier or less active we monitor - often they're just slow to get started in life (dysmature).

Good luck with our baby.
Thanks guys..her temp was 103.5..3 days ago..since she is on antibiotics it dropped to "normal"

and I do give Probios..she just seems so listless..she drinks enough to stay alive But not to

get strength and bounce..

No did not check the RH factor..
: would she not have the "yellow eyes"??

Our little colt , Tuffy had a plasma transfer at birth and was very lathargic for several days! He didn't even act like a new born foal until he was 10 days old!
: Now he's a month old and is normal and healthy! Does Mom have plenty of milk? We have to give our mare Equi-Tox (Domparindone) to help her produce more milk for the baby!

Thanks Bill..he Mom has a dolly Pardon Bag.. :lol: :lol: she sprays milk at her..never seen a mare do that..than she lifts her leg to make her drink..she is a maiden too and suh a good MOMMY! :aktion033:
I have had two plasma transfers. Both were successful with no side effects or listless foals. I would call the vet again.

I also use Kayro syrup for energy if I feel they need it. Older ones and young ones if they are sick. It also helps stimulate their appetites. If your mares bag is that full, is he nursing? Maybe milk the momma and give him a drink?

I hope he will be okay..............

Thanks guys..her temp was 103.5..3 days ago..since she is on antibiotics it dropped to "normal"

and I do give Probios..she just seems so listless..she drinks enough to stay alive But not to

get strength and bounce..

No did not check the RH factor..
: would she not have the "yellow eyes"??

RH Factor babies don't always have yellow eyes.........however, if she were one, she'd probaby be dead by now.

I spaced it with how old she is.

Beth's suggestion about giving your baby tastes of Kayro is a good one.

You might want to milk mom and hand feed her between nursings until she gets more aggressive.

Thanks so much..she is still alive..just listless and I noticed this morning she is walking hunched up..indicating was a very hard birth..could it be we pulled something out of place?

Gonna have our chiroprationer vet check her too..

She took 2 cc of Karo syrup and her Probios..
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Perhaps your vet can see you first today? I would certainly call this urgent/emergency.

Good luck,

I would call this an emergency too.....

And careful about giving TOO MUCH Kayro. It can give her diarhea.


Just wondering how your little filly is doing? Hope everything is going to be okay. Will continue to keep both her and you in my prayers.
I had a Plasma transfer done a couple of weeks ago on a foal whose mom rejected him. He's doing great now, but when they started the transfusion, he died. Heart stopped and breathing stopped. Never have I seen two vets move so quickly, one gave mouth to nose the other got the epanephrin (sp) gave it in the tongue! Banjo perked right up and with my permission, they gave him the transfusion. He was slow the first day or two but perked right up. Can you get the Vet to put in a feeding tube if you don't think she's getting enough milk.?? If it was just needing the transfusion, she should be better by now. There is something else going on. We can guess all day, but only your vet can make a diagnose. I'm praying that your foal perks up soon.

Ginny StP
Christine, I hope no news is good news. Wondering what the vet said today?


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