Figureing Hall of Fame points?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I am trying to figure up my hall of fame points year to date after this weekend. I think I got 2 of them this weekend, but not sure if I am doing it right.

HOw many horses have to be in the class to get the points? and How many points per placeing......

For example. 13 horses in the class and you got a 3 place?\

Also for jumping and hunter if they have both adult and amatuer do you get points for both towards hall of fame?

Can I find this in print anywhere?
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Ashley you can find it in the rule book :)
ah but I dont have a rule book and my computer(on dial up) is being stupid again and wont let the online book come up.
Number of horses in class

1-3 1st place one point

4-6 horses 1st 2 2nd 1

7-9 horses 1st 3 2nd-2 3rd 1

10-12 horses 1st 4 2nd 3 3rd-2 4th 1

13-15 horses 1st 5 2nd 4 3rd 3 4th 2 5th 1

15 or more 1st 6 2nd 5 3rd 4 4th 3 5th 2 6th 1

then add to your jr or sr championships 1 pt and then grand 3 res grand 1
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I don't think the ammy level classes count towards HOF. I know the ammy halter doesn't, so I'm reasoning that ammy levels of other classes also don't.
No Amateur classes dont collect hall of fame points. They DO collect All Star Points though.


Lisa How old is your rule book? According to Lea Dills this weekend for Halter 1-4 horses first place 1 5-9 horses 1st -place 1 second place 2 10-15 3,2,1. Im still looking for two single points for GQ~ He got 22 of the 24 he needed to finish this past weekend at Lennies. If you got two for second in a group of 7-9 he would have finished. Before his shoulder injury two years ago he had all his grands and a few extra but needed 24 more points. Guess he goes to the NY state fair to finish this year.
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Call the AMHR ofofice -- they will send you out a rule book at no cost -- and also ask for the 2007 supplement.
So Jr or Sr reserve gets no points right? That means my stallion needs 1 lousy point for his HOF :eek:
yes thats right only the champions either jr or sr only get 1 point . They fall into the "secondary championship" category.


Amy they sent you yours free because you are a judge , the rest of us peons have to pay 6 plus shipping which is a total of 9
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I am new to the HOF, when it says so many points and 5 Grands, is that overall Grands or do Jr and Sr Champion count towards 5?
Grands are only the over all Grands. Jr and Sr are not refered to as jr grand champion in AMHR. They are considered only secondary championships. For halter HOF it is 70 points total with 5 GRAND Championships.Also, if you are the only horse in the class there are no points earned. Even if you are Grand Champion if there was no other horse you dont count it.

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Junior and Senior Champions each count for 1 point, Reserve Grands for 1, and Grands for 3. It takes 5 grands, and 70 points. At least 1 grand must be as a 2yo or older horse.
Grands are only the over all Grands. Jr and Sr are not refered to as jr grand champion in AMHR. They are considered only secondary championships. For halter HOF it is 70 points total with 5 GRAND Championships.Also, if you are the only horse in the class there are no points earned. Even if you are Grand Champion if there was no other horse you dont count it.

Hmm that is not how I understand it in fact in a 3 judge show with your horse being the only one in the class you will get 3 points for the open and well as another 3 points for the secondary champion..

you do have to have compititon for the Grand to count however you get your points.(3).the rule book clearly says 1-3 horses gets 1 point per 1st place
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I think your understanding is correct, Lisa. That's my understanding of how it works.
Grand champion points is what I was refering to. Sorry I wasnt clearer. If you are the only horse in the Grand championship or the Stake for performance then the championship doesnt count towards your 5. That is what I was refering to. Thanks for clearing that up Lisa and Jill.

I am not worried about halter, its for obstical, jumping and hunter.
Good Morning Ashley,

Hunter, Jumper and Obstacle don't have preliminary classes (Jr Championship or Sr. Championship) or a Grand Championship class. Your horses just gather the 70 points total. Once you obtain your 70 points I would write a note to the ASPC/AMHR Registry addressed to the Show Department letting them know you have obtained your 70 points. They will check your horse's show record to be sure and then set up your Hall of Fame Award. Sometimes they will mail those awards out before Convention. If you want to have it presented to you at Convention, then take your award with you and ask that they give it out during the Hall of Fame Breakfast on Saturday morning.

The only performance classes that have a Stakes Championship are your driving classes. I know of a few driving class that doesn't have a Stakes Championship: AMHR Single Draft Harness, 2 Horse Draft Harness, 4 Horse Draft Harness, the 6 Horse Draft Harness and the Roman Chariot classes.

In the Halter division it's a bit different. You gather points in your Open Class, your Jr. or Sr. Championship Class and then your Grand Championship Class. In the Grand Class you MUST have competition (at least one other horse in the class) in order to get your Hall of Fame points in the Grand Class. If no other competition then your Grand Championship class doesn't count. You have to have 70 points and 5 Grand Championships. Your horse may obtain all 5 Grands as a weanling, or Yearling, but they MUST also win one as a two year old or older.

There are NO Hall of Fame points given for Model, Amateur, Color or any other classes that are not preliminary for champsionships.

This is a brief summary for you.

Here is my question about the point system..

Recently my son was in a youth class of two, and the judges decided to "tie" the

class. Therefore, NO all star points were awarded. :no:

Doesn't make sense to me that in a tie they cancel each other out rather than splitting the points.

In fact, when I look up the show results for that show it does not even show the class taking place.

So, if it were to be checked for Nationals qualification, would it not count? We paid the entry fee,

he was there, it's not his fault the judges split the class.

I also don't understand why judges would do this as it really hurts the kids in the all star point

system. It would be better to get second than to tie for first.

Good Morning Shelley,

Here are some questions that came to my mind...

1. Was this a rated ASPC/AMHR youth class or a Non-rated youth class?

2. Since you live in Michigan, was the show the Mid-Michigan Magic? If so, and the class was a rated ASPC/AMHR youth class, you might want to contact Jeannie Bragagnini to see if the office has left off the class in the show result list on the website.

3. If a rated class and was omitted from the Show Results list, then the class would count towards Mini Nationals and both kids would get their All Star Points. There's not a rule that said All Stars won't be given in the event of a tie for first place by both judges to two seperate kids. Sometimes this is done with the kids in the 7 & Under I do see it from time to time.

4. (From the rulebook) In order for All-Star points to count for a Shetland, Miniature or Show Pony, owner of the animal must be a current member of the ASPC/AMHR/ASPR. In classes where the points are counted for the exhibitor (Example: Junior Exhibitor Showmanship), the person receiving the points must be a current member of the ASPC/AMHR/ASPR.

Anytime you have a question concerning classes that don't appear on the Show Results, first contact the show manager and then the show office. Sometimes there maybe a problem within the system that we don't see.

hey karen

I have not been able to get the show results page up in over a week. Do you know whats going on? I emailed but never heard back from amhr/aspc I was worried it was my computer so a friend tried to get on and it doesnt work for her either. any chance you know when it will be fixed?



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