Filling in entry form for my first AMHA show

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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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My two year old gelding is nearly 34" tall. Does this mean Spyder cannot enter in the show at all, or can he just not enter a halter class? Could he go in a color class? For the halter class for two year old geldings, the entry form doesn't show a height limit. So does this mean he can enter?

Can Spyder or my yearling gelding compete in obstacle?

Mostly I want to go to this show to giv my horses the experience as they don't behave well in a show situation yet.

Would I be able to show one of the girl's mares in a open halter class for her? I was going to get an amateur card for AMHA but someone told me I was not eligible because I teach beginners riding lessons at my boarding barn for $15 and this make s me a "professional" and not an amatuer. I know this is how it works in AQHA, but is the same in AMHA?

Also, because Spyder is so darn close to t34" mark, I am SO worried we will get to the show and he will measur eover. Have any of you had that happen? Will my AMHA papers get revoked? Will people talk badly of me? I have thought about this so much it has made me crazy! I want to hardship Spyder into the AMHR on his A papers, but the entry deadline is June 14th and a doubt his papers cen be sent back to me that quickly.

Thanks in advance.
The registry has a height limit though. So if your two year old is over 33" he can not show at all. Trust me on this one, I know from personal experience. Not sure about obstacle, but just check the rule book, its online and it will tell you.

Yes you can show any horse in open halter as long as it measures in. According to AMHA's rules no you can not show as an amateur if you take money for schooling someone else.

No one will just rip your papers away if he is over 33" now, he could very well never grow any more. You just won't be able to show him. And no one will think bad of you for any reason, especially if you are honest about getting him measured. But what I would do because entry money isn't refundable without a vet letter, just enter him in one class and if he measures out then you can put another horse in another class with that money instead of losing alot. You will still have to pay for stalls and other fees but at least you won't lose the entry money.

As for AMHR, fax all of the paperwork to AMHR and pay the rush fee. If you do that today, you will have the papers in hand by Thursday.
Are you sure on his height? If he is that tall, as minimom said, he would be over the AMHA show height limit for 2 yr olds which is 33". He may not grow anymore, so I certainly wouldn't give up those AMHA papers yet!

And yes, you can't show amateur if you receive money for training or schooling.

I, too, would get the paperwork in the mail today for AMHR papers!
I read through the online rulebook and in halter classes it talks about the height limits for certain ages, but it doesn't talk about it at all in performance classes. That did not help me very much! I would like to enter halter obstacle but I am still not sure if he is allowed to enter. I am pretty sure he is over 33"
The limits are for age no matter what. If you have a 2 year old over 33" he is not eligible to show in an approved AMHA show at all. Doesn't matter what the class is. If the same horse is still under 34" next year as a 3 year old then he is again eligible to show AMHA.
l was under the impression that you were a youth so in that case you wouldn't be able to get an amature card anyway if under 18 but would still be able to show someone elses horse in any open class for them just not an amature or AOTE class. And NO 2 year old over the height of 33" is allowed to show at any carded A show in any class except for the cheating measured in ones as l see it. But if he's almost stopped growing next year as a 3 year old as long as he is under 34 isn't a problem. We have had many yearlings and 2 year olds that had to be left home because they were over the age height but went on to show as mature 3 year olds for many years after.
This might be a controversial suggestion, but if he's borderline 33" I'd go ahead and take him to the show. I'd enlist a very experienced ammie or even pro to measure him in. There's an (legal) art to setting up and holding a horse for a true measurement. You can easily get an extra 1/4" to even 1/2" if the horse is set up badly. He doesn't have to be UNDER 33", he just has to stick right AT 33".

In AMHA, horses must be 2yos old to show in obstacle. So no yearlings.

If you are a youth, you cannot show ammie/novice. Must show in youth division, but you CAN take money all day to Sunday until the year you age out. You will be elgible for Ammie status even if you were "pro" as a youth.

If you're 18 on Jan 1st you are considered an adult by A and R, and if you take money for lessons, you're a pro in the eyes of both.
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