Well I made it through the first night but it sure wasn't easy. We went to buy groceries today and we had to drive right by the veterinary clinic :no: , not good. I have to say they are a wonderful and compassionate clinic and I want to publicly thank them for trying their best but it just wasn't meant to be :no: It's funny but on Thursday night, around 8 pm or so I swear I could hear Pepper in the house. The tinkling sound of her tags on her collar.... I truly believe her soul left at that time and she came for her last visit. I had a strange occurence like that with Shotzie, the night after she died. I could swear she was in the house and I even put my hand down as I lay on the sofa on her head. This may sound crazy but I truly believe our animals, even though gone, do visit us from time to time. Maxinne, I thought alot about you and cricket last night, I hope you are doing better, and I wrap you in a cyberhug, knowing the pain you are also going through. Thank you to each and everyone of you who have sent me PMs or written here. I truly appreciate it more than you will ever know. Just like all of you, all our critters are our family and this is the reason we mourn so deeply for them. Again thank you all.