Any idea if there's anything like that website for Canada? In my opinion all guilty 'sex offenders" should be killed...if not killed then forced to be in prison with the "regular" criminals rather than in their own prisons. If someone who can brutally rip apart someone, murder them is discusted by rapeists etc then just think how discusting they are. That sentence made no sense but I hope you got my point. Anyway, so those sex offenders if not allowed to die slow painful deaths should atleast have to go in regular prisons...that way the other criminals will kill them. Guh.... there's absolutely NO exscuse for sex offenders in my books. Why are they allowed to get away with it? Why is the justice system so awful? Ayyye what the heck kind of world are we living in...where people are allowed to do things like that to our children, our friends, our family memebers, even senior citizens. They're discusting, a waste of space, and if murderers think they're discusting I think that says a lot they don't deserve to be breathing the same air that I do. Death penalty? Too good for them but defffintely a good idea.Wow sorry that turned into quite a rant.
Narrow Way Farm-Regarding parents...that's also something that really really scares me. I see SO many parents these days that let their children wander off, barely in eyesight. So many times I could've easily taken a child and the parents would not have noticed until a minute or so later which is far to late for hte child. I of course would never EVER do something like that but I'm just pointing out how flameing easy it is these days. *shakes head* ayyye.