find sexual offenders living near you

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Winchester Farms

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2004
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I was watching oprah yesterday and she told a website that you can go to a see every regisitered sexual offender living near you, and what crime they have done. some even have pictures. i think its a good idea for you to know who is living near you, if not, no flames please. i just thought people with children would be interested type in your address and it will show you a map. click on the blue, red and green dots to see the offenders. turns out there is one living two streets away from me, so im glad i checked.
When my husband and I were looking for homes last year, if we found one we liked, we checked the sex offender sites first to see who lived near..One house we liked, had 5 offenders within a 5 mile radius...we didn't make an offer on that one!

It's a wonderful tool, even if you don't have children since rapists are also listed!
I can't get it to work.
Must not like my address.
[SIZE=14pt]Just a reminder to be careful anyway even if there doesnt appear to be people in your area. The only ones on the list are the ones that have REGISTERED like they are supposed to when parolled. There are thousands who move and dont change their info and are therefore unregistered or just never registered and are just as dangerous. You can never be too careful or too safe.[/SIZE]

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NO flames.. until this country sits up and takes notice and DOES SOMETHING about these sex offenders well we will continue to have the rise in victims and you only hear about not even 1/4 of them. Whole thing disgusts me when our laws are not made to protect our women and children
lyn_j said:
[SIZE=14pt]Just a reminder to be careful anyway even if there doesnt appear to be people in your area. The only ones on the list are the ones that have REGISTERED like they are supposed to when parolled. There are thousands who move and dont change their info and are therefore unregistered or just never registered and are just as dangerous. You can never be too careful or too safe.[/SIZE]Lyn


Exactly right! AND don't forget all the ones who have not been CAUGHT yet!!
Lisa-Ruff N Tuff Minis said:
NO flames.. until this country sits up and takes notice and DOES SOMETHING about these sex offenders well we will continue to have the rise in victims and you only hear about not even 1/4 of them.  Whole thing disgusts me when our laws are not made to protect our women and children

So long as all it does is make people aware.... so long as no witch hunts are started (people can reform) it can only be a good thing.
rabbitsfizz said:
So  long as all it does is make people aware.... so long as no witch hunts are started (people can reform) it can only be a good thing.

Very wrong there Rabbit sorry but most petifiles and violent offenders will tell you themselves they cant be reformed it has been proven time and time again and trust me once you or your child is a victim of a repeat offender.. witch hunt isnt good enough
Lisa-Ruff N Tuff Minis said:
rabbitsfizz said:
So  long as all it does is make people aware.... so long as no witch hunts are started (people can reform) it can only be a good thing.

Very wrong there Rabbit sorry but most petifiles and violent offenders will tell you themselves they cant be reformed it has been proven time and time again and trust me once you or your child is a victim of a repeat offender.. witch hunt isnt good enough


While I agree most ADULT pedophiles and violent offenders cannot be rehabilitated......I hate to think that there is no hope of rehabilitating the 7-16 yr old sex offenders....I know that the female offenders are most likely to rehabilitate and not offend again as opposed to males.....I have personally witnessed rehabilitated SO's who did not re offend to date but they have strong support networks to also help them......and for their sake (and the publics) I hope they never offend again........
I know for a fact that at least one offender is NOT listed for our area because one of our foster daughters is one of several of his victims. She is now grown and dealing with the unjustice of the "justice system".. .... because of who he is related to and who he knows, he is protected.....even as he continues to be a threat to her and her little girls.

But I also agree that we need to learn more about this horrific mindset and infection that goes from generation to generation to find out if young people can be "reformed".....

I was a victim to two different types of violent sexual attacks. One was a "child to child" situation and the other person seems to have "reformed" because of special schooling and psychological handling. He never has repeated the sexual part of the offence -- only the physical part. The other was what today is considered a "date rape" before that label was applied. I do not know where that fits in, but it's a scar that I live with......and something that the "offender" has long forgotten.

It's the children we most need to protect. We as adults can eventually deal with violence.....I have dealt with murder and later the "rape", but a child will carry those scars forever buried inside. That's where we need to focus.

Sorry for my soapbox.....

MA IMO that person did re offend... sexual crimes are more often then not --- not about the act of sex at all it is a violent act with the person using a body part instead of a gun (or in addition to)

and to re offend with physical abuse is re offending IMO

and most children who commit sex crimes tend to re offend in a violent nature as well

I realize that child offenders are a HUGE problem much bigger then the general public thinks.. and I feel for them honest i can have empathy but bottom line.. my biggest concern is the numerous victims they have.. if you hear of one you can bet there are a minimum of 10 more you didn't hear of if not even more.

To many people tend to focus on the sex part of the crime and forget that the violence part of it is a huge issue as well
You won't get flames from here. When were house hunting back in May and June for our new house in Tennesse, you better believe I took the address and looked it up online for sex offenders. I have 4 children I have to know what is out there that is at least registered. I can't help what isn't that is why I learn my surroundings and keep a close eye on my kids and they are never out of my reach! People never seem to amaze me... if I am out shopping and people try to talk to my kids and ask them questions and my kids just look at them like hey are you crazy I don't know you... I just tell them my kids don't talk to strangers.. You just don't know in this days. My goodness I sometimes go to the post office just down the road and I have been in there maybe 3 times since moving here and the guy always tries to talk to the kids, He told them after a few times he is no longer a stranger they can talk to him....
I don't know this guy from the man in the moon just because you are a postal worker or a dorctor or whatever doesn't mean you might not be a wierdo!... I will do everything in my power to keep close tabs on my neighborhood.... I still check even though I have before it can change daily

I totally understand what you are saying. The "sex offender" is a false label. It is violence and really doesn't have anything to do with sex. It is using it as a weapon only.

Narrow Way,

I know it's a fine line we have to draw with our children these days. I have a young daughter to protect as well. From early on, I've tried to explain to her that there are good people and bad people in the world and you can't tell them apart by how they look.

Our talks have become more in depth as she gets older and I hope they are staying with her....Just incase....


Any idea if there's anything like that website for Canada? In my opinion all guilty 'sex offenders" should be killed...if not killed then forced to be in prison with the "regular" criminals rather than in their own prisons. If someone who can brutally rip apart someone, murder them is discusted by rapeists etc then just think how discusting they are. That sentence made no sense but I hope you got my point. Anyway, so those sex offenders if not allowed to die slow painful deaths should atleast have to go in regular prisons...that way the other criminals will kill them. Guh.... there's absolutely NO exscuse for sex offenders in my books. Why are they allowed to get away with it? Why is the justice system so awful? Ayyye what the heck kind of world are we living in...where people are allowed to do things like that to our children, our friends, our family memebers, even senior citizens. They're discusting, a waste of space, and if murderers think they're discusting I think that says a lot they don't deserve to be breathing the same air that I do. Death penalty? Too good for them but defffintely a good idea.

Wow sorry that turned into quite a rant.

Narrow Way Farm-Regarding parents...that's also something that really really scares me. I see SO many parents these days that let their children wander off, barely in eyesight. So many times I could've easily taken a child and the parents would not have noticed until a minute or so later which is far to late for hte child. I of course would never EVER do something like that but I'm just pointing out how flameing easy it is these days. *shakes head* ayyye.
We've had a state site that lets us know about these people for years, and I've known there were several right near us but being able to see on the map from this site gave me a much better idea of where they were than before. Unfortunately, one is 2 doors down, but I have known that location for a long time.

And, I think maybe some kinds of offenders can re-form but NOT the pedofiles (sp?) ones. I think maybe some of the other attackers could possibily re-form but not the ones that are rooted in a real sickness.

AND, they're the ones that committed crimes against innocent people. They had a choice, and I could care less about their rights to privacy.

IF I were in charge, they'd have PERVERT tattoed on their foreheads so everyone would know to steer clear. That would be if they weren't executed or put away in some kind of self-sufficent (or if not, they starve) prison where they fare for themselves.
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I know I have a few of them liveing around me. I actually went to school with one of them.

That sight however doesnt include Wisconsin.
tigeresss said:
Any idea if there's anything like that website for Canada? In my opinion all guilty 'sex offenders" should be killed...if not killed then forced to be in prison with the "regular" criminals rather than in their own prisons. If someone who can brutally rip apart someone, murder them is discusted by rapeists etc then just think how discusting they are. That sentence made no sense but I hope you got my point. Anyway, so those sex offenders if not allowed to die slow painful deaths should atleast have to go in regular prisons...that way the other criminals will kill them. Guh.... there's absolutely NO exscuse for sex offenders in my books. Why are they allowed to get away with it? Why is the justice system so awful? Ayyye what the heck kind of world are we living in...where people are allowed to do things like that to our children, our friends, our family memebers, even senior citizens. They're discusting, a waste of space, and if murderers think they're discusting I think that says a lot they don't deserve to be breathing the same air that I do. Death penalty? Too good for them but defffintely a good idea.Wow sorry that turned into quite a rant.

Narrow Way Farm-Regarding parents...that's also something that really really scares me. I see SO many parents these days that let their children wander off, barely in eyesight. So many times I could've easily taken a child and the parents would not have noticed until a minute or so later which is far to late for hte child. I of course would never EVER do something like that but I'm just pointing out how flameing easy it is these days. *shakes head* ayyye.


I realize most do not want to even touch this part of the subject BUT It warrants major according to your statement you feel it is fine and justifiable to put an 8 yr old to death? I am dead serious this topic is very close to me.......

I speak openly with my sons about violent crime and sex offense at their level as they mature these discussions go deeper.......I had to for my childrens safety as they were often with me in the presence of sex offenders (it was part of my job) and I can tell you none of the offenders I worked with were adults.......and they were all enrolled in public schools.........again I say talk to your children and get educated paranoia gets you nowhere
There's one living on my same road.........seems the whole neighborhood knew about it but me.
Yep rori i will be one to say it YES they should be seperated from the public for lifetime YES even children who are violent offenders. IF we dont do something the cycle continues on and on and on and we only hear about 1/4 of the crimes if that. So i am a firm believer no matter what the age of the offender they need to be AWAY from other kids and people potential vicitms for the rest of hterelife. PERIOD end of discussion.IMO anyway

I am not paranoid I am realistic and know about the rehab rates and bottom line dont buy the i was abused therefore I abuse defense.
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