Flyin G Farm
Well-Known Member
Our first foal of the year was born early yesterday morning...a beautiful colt. Unfortunately he had a rough start...we were there, however his temperature was too low (it was a cold morning here...well...for WA that is!) he wouldn't get up...which of course meant he wasn't nursing. We tried blankets, hair dryer, heat lamps, and tried giving him colostrum (which he wasn't interested in). So we of course had the vet out...and the poor little guy was tubed twice...and my wonderful hubby and mother in law (countryrose)
: spent most of the day yesterday bringing his body temperature up to where it needed to be. I had called hubby yesterday afternoon to check in and he and the colt (who he has named Rascal) spent an hour wrapped up in a blanket on the couch watching a movie...I would have LOVED to have seen that picture...but he wouldn't let Cheryl take one...dang it :no: But all is fine now...his temp is up and he's a nursing fool. The vet is coming back out today to check him over again and make sure he got enough colostrum...but as of now things are MUCH better. So now I just need to think up some name I thought of was Flyin G's Causin A Commotion...because he certainly did :bgrin
Here is his sire...Little Kings Russian Revelation (a White Russian son out of a Fishers Master Mickey daughter):
And his dam is FLF Stormys Midnight Sonata, a Bond/King Tiger bred mare:
And last but not least...the little guy himself...Rascal:
So...what color do you think he is...initially I just thought buckskin...wasn't really paying much attention to the dorsal stripe because we were more worried about getting him up...but the dorsal definitely is there as you can see from the last picture...and you can also see the patch the vet's very dark underneath his outer baby grulla???
Thanks for letting me share!

Here is his sire...Little Kings Russian Revelation (a White Russian son out of a Fishers Master Mickey daughter):

And his dam is FLF Stormys Midnight Sonata, a Bond/King Tiger bred mare:

And last but not least...the little guy himself...Rascal:

So...what color do you think he is...initially I just thought buckskin...wasn't really paying much attention to the dorsal stripe because we were more worried about getting him up...but the dorsal definitely is there as you can see from the last picture...and you can also see the patch the vet's very dark underneath his outer baby grulla???
Thanks for letting me share!